Who's turkeys are laying this season?


14 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Alapaha, Ga
Hey, I just wanted to see who's turkeys have started laying already this season, I'm in South Ga. and mine haven't started yet, but my oldest pair of Bourbon Reds that I had for breeding last season were mating today for the first time (that I've seen) this season so I'm hoping the eggs will start coming in soon.
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I have two Bourbon Red eggs so far this week!
Good, our weather and time is the same so hopefully mine will start then too. Do your wilds lay as long in the season as the RPs ?
Good, our weather and time is the same so hopefully mine will start then too. Do your wilds lay as long in the season as the RPs ?

Longer actually, got the last merriams in November this past year r.p.'s quit in Oct., as long as you take the eggs daily, they will lay right on
We are getting White Holland and Beltsville Small White eggs now, the Midgets are just starting and we got out first Bronze egg yesterday. Nothing from the Bourbons or Palms yet. We have been selling Holland and BSW eggs on ebay for about 2 weeks now.

Nothing from my White Midgets yet.

But last Sunday the toms all got down to earnest combat which I took as a good sign. I took them all out of the tratcor, but for the one I want to start with. Hopefully any day now.

My Red Bronze hen has been laying, her first eggs, she would scratch out of the nest. I put them in my bator. She now has about 7 in her nest, I want to let her set them. Anyone do that? My Bourbon Red has not layed yet. My other mixed breed hen has not layed either. I live in North Alabama.

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