Whose egg is it anyway? (Pic heavy)

That’s got to be one of the Comet’s. I’m guessing Cece. I have three and they were all laying by week 17. The egg also looks like the ones my Comets laid when they first started. They should get darker and bigger in a about a week.
Thanks to all who played. I had fun and learned alot!
hope you did too!

Here we go...
PELVIC BONE MEASUREMENTS:. How many fingers spread.

#1 Shadow...2
#2 Jess...1
#3 Rose...1
#4 Gamma...1
#5 Sky...1
#6 Cece...1!!! A tight 1!!!...SHOCKING!
#7 Stormie...1
8 Rae...2
So I went ahead and checked the EE's . Three of the 4 were at a 1...But SHOCKINGLY Dottie the EE was also at a 2! Here she is..usually no color on her face...but she was upset with me and turned mighty red!

So it boils down to these 3...
Black australorp
Production Blue
Easter Egger

By what I know of them, all things considered. I would say the egg laying culprit is
That egg doesnt look like a BA's..and Dottie just doesnt have any signs.
To be sure, I will have to rise early and coop sit!
Just when you think you have it all figured out!
Here is great info by mcmurray hatchery on POL-what to look for
Edit: add website for mcmurray: https://blog.mcmurrayhatchery.com/2015/04/29/which-of-my-hens-are-laying/
You can always put a different color lipstick on each of their vent...that would be a lot of shades to come up with tho. And trying to find lipstick in "different" colors than normal is a pain.
Dang, i wish i would of thought of that! Even to do like 4 at a time. I will have to wait on that now. I need to revover from the whippin they gave me. My arms define the term "chicken scratch" lol

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