Whose Egg?


In the Brooder
Oct 15, 2015
West Texas
A littel different take.....any idea who laid the big Olive egg in this batch?

I have a mixed flock from McMurray hatched 10/15/16. The laying commenced 3/6/16. There have been 3 previous olive eggs all very small. This could be the same hen but we were thinking not. It was suddenly so much bigger. The picture is not as good as I hoped, it is on the right and I suppose you will have to take my word for it that it is olive. These are the eggs collected yesterday.

List of pullets:
5 Easter Eggers, three with muffs
3 black Australorps
1 Jersey Giant
3 RIRs
1 New Hampshire Red
2 white Leghorns
1 Silver Spangled Hamburg
1 Ancona
1 undetermined gray/white rose comb white earlobes

It's one of your EE's. EE's can lay green, blue, olive green, white, brown or even pinkish depending upon the genetics inherited.

An Easter Egger is a mix of a blue egg gene breed, such as the Ameraucana (beard/muff), and any other breed. If the other breed was a darker layer like a Welsummer, that mix will produce an Olive Egger.

All pullets lay small eggs at first which over the first couple of weeks will get bigger as their "machinery" gears up. Sometimes that happens almost overnight.

Lucky you...you've got an olive egger.

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