Why All The "Junk"?

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The message had a stinging effect because some of us really are financially challenged and lack the ability to make better, whether through monetary restrictions, building capabilities, or both. Peace.
When our Granddaughter out grew her fort on stilts, we recycled it. Now the chickens have a great 2 story home. Nothin wrong with that. One man's "Junk" is another's treasure. We live by that motto. Have found some great bargains at Garage Sales, friends give us their leftover lumber and wire. Some of us aren't rich by any means, and
appreciate the leftovers.
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Chickens are inexpensive. Even poor folk have them. Chicken LOVE junk. Just watch mine gravitate to the most cluttered part of my yard!

Recycle / re-use is green which is the epitome of cool!

I am one of those people with no talent for design / planning / tools / power tools....

But I want everyone on this site to know that a fat old lady can still accomplish something through perserverance. My chickens DEMANDED to live in the duckhouse the day it was complete.


That is really nice. Did you construct that all by yourself? I do not even have the tools to make something like that even if I knew what I was doing!
....not to mention, the time! I could do it if I had the materials, tools, instructions or plans, and the time.
My first coop is a converted wooden playhouse that my dad and I built 20+ years ago (all new materials) and now I just built another coop with re-used wooden siding (I bought a couple of 2'x4's, by the rest is scrap. After a coat of paint, it will look nice.

As long as it keeps the predators out and the chickens safe and healthy...
If 'salvage' is what you meant, then why not ask "Why all the "Salvage"? Because it doesn't have the same negative connotations that 'junk' does.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

I agree that it is easy to have your intentions misunderstood online. Which is why it is important to go back and re-read your post before you hit 'submit'. If not, you risk being 'misunderstood'.
I work full time and commute 3 days per week, 3 hours per day. I have 5 HUGE kids at home. This 1760 farmhouse is vast with 2 kitchens and 6 bathrooms. I mow the 3 acres with a push mower.

The duckhouse is recycled pallets assembled in an octogon. It took me months of stolen time. I borrowed a circular saw, and I own a drill. I REALLY enjoyed building the duckhouse. Tis catching up on the neglected housework that has me blue.
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:oops: I just read chickiebooboo's responce and I think they have a problem.I have seen plenty of remarkable and beautiful coops made out of recycled materials.I also have seen coops that I wouldn't even be associated with made out of new materials.People like that get my goat.They think they are too good to recycle.I'm not bragging,but when I get my coop done it won't be fancy but it will be something that I am proud to say I did.I'm already getting complimentts on it.It doesn't matter about where the material came from;It matters if you know what to do with it when you build your coop.
Whenever somebody at work is about to throw something away, he smirks and asks me if I need it for my chickens. My reaction varies, depending on my mood, the degree of smirk, and whether or not I actually do need the object for my chickens. My birds now live with a level of comfort they wouldn't have if the resourceful wheels weren't turning in my head every time I come across a piece of junk. They get full body DE baths in the giant Rubbermaid that I found one day, they don't spill food out of the handy feeders I made from bottles, and they each park it every night on their favorite rung of an old wooden ladder that is no longer safe for human ascension. The nicest, most expensive nest box in the world won't keep my national champion Serama pullet from escaping her pen to lay her egg on the lid of an old bucket every day! I have big plans for my money; paramedic school, moving to a milder climate, etc., and the birdies don't mind their junk one bit!
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