Why All The "Junk"?

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If 'salvage' is what you meant, then why not ask "Why all the "Salvage"? Because it doesn't have the same negative connotations that 'junk' does.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

I agree that it is easy to have your intentions misunderstood online. Which is why it is important to go back and re-read your post before you hit 'submit'. If not, you risk being 'misunderstood'.


I could not have said it better.
so uncle marc.....just what kind of "junk pile" are your chickens living in....post up some pics so we can have a look-see!...hehehehehehe
I have not read every post, but to me anyone with money can go out and build a beautiful chicken coop, who are they impressing? The chickens or the neighbors? To me building from scrap, salvaged, recycled is just fun and CHEAP! I don't think my coops are ugly, they are not the Ritz, but they are just chickens.

A person who uses recycled materials has to take time to find the material. Ingenuity to figure out how to make it work. Then when everyone says "you built that out of pallets?" "REALLY?" you get warm and fuzzy all over. I get more complements on my coops and I think it is because of the fact they do look good, (not great) and they cost practically nothing just adds to the pride. The less I spend on coops the more chickens I can have

Chickens are not cheap, feed is high, building materials are high, fencing is high, even some chickens are expensive. Every little bit I don't have to spend on my chickens and their housing means that is an expense I don't have to pass on in the price of the eggs I sell or the birds.

$3000 coops that win the coop contest is not impressive to me. Anyone (with the money) can build an award winning coop. That is why their eggs cost $800 an egg for the 3 chickens that live in said $3000 coop. A coop that cost piratically nothing, now that is impressive.
not to mention good for the environment and your pocket book.

It is like running a business, you have to keep the overhead down.... JUNK keeps my overhead really low.
So, by junk you don't just mean ugly..??

Lets take my Father-in-law for example... Good at so many things! He is a computer engineer at Raytheon, the most amazing knowledgeable gardener you will ever meet but if he went to Home Depot and bought the best lumber, the best tools AND had blue prints his coop would STILL be ugly and "junky" because he can't build anything to save his life! So rather than being consumed with consumerism he does what he can, where he is with what he has.

IMO-worry about your own coop, in your own yard and stop wasting your time judging other peoples possessions. You have no idea about their circumstances in life or past. That might truly be the very best thing they have ever built and are very proud of it. Congratulate on the effort and imagination. Not what you would consider "pretty" or "appealing". That's what is largely wrong with people today. You get so wrapped up in cutting others down for not keeping up with the Jones' while you keep up with Smiths', it says a lot about your character while you know nothing of theirs....
We spent 2 years gathering cheap if nto free materials to build our new 10 by 12 coop. Most of the studs used for the frame were free from a local convenience store undergoing renovation. The studs had nails and staples in them but were in really good shape so I took the time to clean them all up pulling all that stuff out of them. The windows in which there are 5 were salesman models and brand spanking new for $10 each. All the plywood for the floor was free, the dog kennel panels used for the 19 ft by 22 ft run were free, and the shingles for the roof were also free. We bought the siding and insulation at cost as well as the ice and water shield for the roof. For us we had to make the coop look as nice as possible and more of a garden shed look verses a chicken coop because we aren't suppose to have them in this area anymore (long story). The paint we used on the coop was mistinted paint from menards, we collected several gallons and mixed them together to get the coop color, we paid $12 a can for 2 cans of barn white for the trim. We still plan on running electric out there at some point but financially strapped at this point. Even with all the "salvaged materials" we spent wayyyy more then we intended to in the long run.

I work full time and commute 3 days per week, 3 hours per day. I have 5 HUGE kids at home. This 1760 farmhouse is vast with 2 kitchens and 6 bathrooms. I mow the 3 acres with a push mower.

The duckhouse is recycled pallets assembled in an octogon. It took me months of stolen time. I borrowed a circular saw, and I own a drill. I REALLY enjoyed building the duckhouse. Tis catching up on the neglected housework that has me blue.

There was a girl on here who was asking for some advice about building a coop from pallets....I will try to locate the thread. Maybe you can give her some pointers.

Edited to add: Here is the thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=7913957
Your accomplishment is one in which to be proud ChickInDelight. It isn't something that everyone can do
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I work full time and commute 3 days per week, 3 hours per day. I have 5 HUGE kids at home. This 1760 farmhouse is vast with 2 kitchens and 6 bathrooms. I mow the 3 acres with a push mower.

The duckhouse is recycled pallets assembled in an octogon. It took me months of stolen time. I borrowed a circular saw, and I own a drill. I REALLY enjoyed building the duckhouse. Tis catching up on the neglected housework that has me blue.

There was a girl on here who was asking for some advice about building a coop from pallets....I will try to locate the thread. Maybe you can give her some pointers.

Edited to add: Here is the thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=7913957
Your accomplishment is one in which to be proud ChickInDelight. It isn't something that everyone can do

Oh I must ask! ChickInDelight...how much money did you spend in its construction?
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