Why am I getting flagged on Craigslist???

I guess I just must be lucky or live in an area where people don't flag farm animals. It says right in the section that livestock sales are permitted so I would certainly have issue with CL and the person who flagged me! I have sold and rehomed a lot of roosters on CL and never had a problem. The worst I've had is people from labs trying to get my chickens or people with no experience whatsoever. I'm one of those picky chicken people
I considered ordering the 25 chicken minimum, from one supply house and then selling the "leftovers" that I did not want, at the Natural Food store. I was planning to give a list of must-have's along with each chick or batch, sold. Maybe even a pound of feed, in a bag, to get them started.

Selling chicks is easier because you can keep them in the house for the first part of their lives, while you accumulate the rest of the stuff.

Yeah, so far, these eggs are going to cost me about $300 each, for the first week the hens start laying.
LOL! I figure the day I spent building the house/run plus the chick feed, chicken feed, lights/housings, waterer and chicken-proofing the backyard...

So far, these chickens are into me for some cash.
Yeah, when you add all that in, it sure makes it that much. I probably put that much into my coop and run and not to mention the cost of buying my first few chickens. Started out with 2, now I have sixteen. Only 11 are of laying age, some are about 2 to 3 years old so probably wont be laying that much soon or stop completely. But they have a home for life. Or freezer camp. Depends on the economy.

good question... I posted my sun conure (parrot) and it got flagged twice so I tried it in the livestock section (lol) and it got flagged again. Its werid cause Ive had it posted in the general sect. more then once. So where should I post it?
The CL flaggers are pathetic losers. They get their jollies by screwing with people... they must be wackos or something.

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