Why are my chickens dying?!?!?

So sorry to hear this sad update. You did all you could and had the best of intentions, so have peace of mind knowing that. I too get frustrated when a chicken of mine dies and I tried everything, but to no avail. I presently have a hen on antibiotics prescribed from a vet and I don't think she's going to make it despite my best efforts. So things just happen.
Hang in there!!! You're not a bad chicken keeper!!!!!!!
That is so sad! I just went thru 10 deaths-it was Marek's Disease.

Where did you get the chicks, and were they vaccinated? If you got them at a feed store, it's pretty possible that they already had some ailment.
You are not a horrible chicken keeper...just new. Honestly there is a learning curve just as with anything else. Have your cry...kick a few things and start again!
Thank you all for your kind words. I get my chickens as young hens from a wonderful friend. She didn't vaccinate this time around, but is planning to in the future. I guess that is the key to preventing a situation like this from happening again? I really really want to try again, but would hate to spoil them all rotten just to have them die

Our lonely silkie is hanging in there. Fingers crossed.
I am also new to backyard chickens. I have had 6 speckled Sussex chickens since 2 of 2013, I have 3 Polish and 2 silkies. As of 7-6-13 I now have 3 Sussex, 2 Polish and 2 silkies. I do not understand what is going on. They seem fine one day and dead the next. I took my Polish who was just 4 months old to the vet and just to far gone for my vet to save her but he tried. My speckled Sussex received the same treatment and she died the next day. I have taken the Polish for the necropsy and waiting for answers and hoping to have the answers before the remaining die. The only indication I had that something was wrong was bloody stool and of course found on a Saturday night. Hours after that I would see her spare ted from the group not eat and hours after that we would die. I feel like a horrible chicken keeper also. It is just so disappointing when you try so hard to make it all work out. So far the others do not show any signs but I have to work so I have not seen them today. My vet said he has never seen a parasite like this before (an he should know he has been around forever). I bought them for egg laying but they are all my pets and I love to sit and watch them so I really miss them.
I am also new to backyard chickens. I have had 6 speckled Sussex chickens since 2 of 2013, I have 3 Polish and 2 silkies. As of 7-6-13 I now have 3 Sussex, 2 Polish and 2 silkies. I do not understand what is going on. They seem fine one day and dead the next. I took my Polish who was just 4 months old to the vet and just to far gone for my vet to save her but he tried. My speckled Sussex received the same treatment and she died the next day. I have taken the Polish for the necropsy and waiting for answers and hoping to have the answers before the remaining die. The only indication I had that something was wrong was bloody stool and of course found on a Saturday night. Hours after that I would see her spare ted from the group not eat and hours after that we would die. I feel like a horrible chicken keeper also. It is just so disappointing when you try so hard to make it all work out. So far the others do not show any signs but I have to work so I have not seen them today. My vet said he has never seen a parasite like this before (an he should know he has been around forever). I bought them for egg laying but they are all my pets and I love to sit and watch them so I really miss them.
Sounds like Coccidiosis. Cocci is a parasitic infection of the intestinal tract,spread by droppings which get into feed/water via droppings. Some symptoms are runny/watery poop(may or may not contain blood)fluffed feathers,lethargic,not eating/drinking properly. Most birds have some cocci in their intestines,occasionally it becomes too much,then we medicate to bring it back under control(i always keep a supply of Amprolium on hand just in case). Considering there are 9 strains of cocci,an outbreak/overload can occur at anytime. Purchase Corid(amprolium) dosage for Corid 20% powder is 1/2 tsp per gallon of water,dosage for Corid 9.6% liquid is 2 tsp per gallon of water. Treat ALL chickens for 5 days,do not give vitamins during treatment(interferes with medication)give vitamins after treatment. Make sure medicated water,is the only water they drink. Coccidiosis is very treatable and very, very common for chickens to have,but it can kill very fast if left untreated.
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