Why are my eggs candling like this??


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
When i candled my duck eggs some of the embryos are in the center of the egg. Is this okay? There is air sack above and clearish space below. I can see veining but it is too difficult to tell at this stage if they are alive. It is very dense so nothing looks yellow-orange colored anymore. I am not sure if they are quitters and will cause harm to the others. I have to lock down tonight or tomorrow. I can try to take a pic if you want to see. Help?
Dude, I think ask ya'll questions too late. I went in there to try and take a photo and there is one pipping to the outside. They are still in the turning tray! I havent raised humidity yet. :( I'm not doing this anymore. The hatch date is the 18th. they are pekin and rouen. I am going to turn the tray off. should I leave them there or lock down correctly, on their sides? what about the weird eggs?
That was the most amazing hatch ever! I am so proud! :) Now what?lol It was so fast I got to record most of it. He is still in the turner...will he hurt his legs? It is not on. He is crazy active. <3
No, it won't hurt him if the turner is off. I would just leave all the eggs in there unless you smell a bad odor from them. Usually when they quit you can't see the viens anymore so I think you have some hope still of more hatching.
This was true....hopes of more hatching. I so far have pips in three of the ones that candled funny but I have had to lift the bator lid slightly to remove two that went nasty. I am glad they were at the edge. I have 13 or so pips in all, no hatches. I worry they will die because I am not helping them. I won't. Except for humidity everything has gone well so far. Humidity is staying at 60 and I would like it at 70. Humidity in this case bugs me because the one duck hatched quickly at 30% before lock-down date. The eggs in a dry incubator were at 30% the whole time. Now that I raise it, no one has zipped. Hatch date is tomorrow. Many pipped yesterday. I am hoping they get with it.

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