Why are my new chicks picking on one.


10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
South Eastern NH
So I bought some chicks at the local feed store. The five chickens I have now were all purchased as older birds so forgive me for the dumb question.

Any how, I got 2 Black Australorp's, a Buff Orpington (the youngest chick out of them all), a Barred Rock and I believe they are 2 Ameraucana's (they have fluffy cheeks, the feed store guy said they were Cuckoo Maran's, but they also had Ameraucana's on their list of birds so that is what I think they are, although what to I know, I've never seen a Maran or an Ameraucana. I've only had bantams so this is my first adventure in big chickens, although my parents had them from time to time (we had RI Reds growing up).

Any way, they are at my parents house right now, LOL I talked my mom into raising them for me because I didn't have a spot in my house to keep them and I didn't want my husband to know I bought more birds LOL.

So my mom told me that they are picking on the Barred Rock a lot. I figured they would have picked on the Buff Orpington because she was the younger, smaller bird. Is she sick? My mom says she is eating and drinking fine but she seems to be getting picked on more then any other bird. My mom is beside herself that she is getting picked on.

Some suggestions: Try lowering the temperature in the brooder, and start planning for a larger brooder as soon as you can. You can put one together out of a refrigerator shipping box or the like that will work just fine. If they are in plastic, try to get them into wood or cardboard. If there is space, put some objects to distract them in the brooder -- a roost a couple of inches above the floor, some bricks to jump on, a small stuffed animal, etc. A second feeder and waterer may also help. Check the chick for any small wounds and put a little No-pick or Blukote on it. She can also take the chick aside for a few minutes once or twice a day and feed and water it alone to try to ensure it is getting enough, since the "picked on" birds are often also chased away from the food and water.. I would do this with a little bit of moistened chick feed; discard uneaten portion

They should have at least a sq ft for every two chicks by 2 weeks if not sooner, not counting space taken up by feeders, etc.
Ok thanks :) I know she is watching them (they are home during the day) and making sure that the chick is getting plenty to eat and drink. They have a bigger cage that they can go into as well so we will move them to that instead. My mom is good at raising baby ducks :) She thinks it is odd to have baby chicks :) She had forgotten how they like to dust. She is very paranoid that something will happen to one while they are in her care.

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