Why are my white chickens laying brown eggs ?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 30, 2012
Killingly CT
I have 3 RI reds and I thought my white ones were RI whites ??? I was always told white chickens lay white eggs and other chickens lay brown ..sorry if I sound like an idiot Im new at all this ,,but Ive been getting all brown eggs ,,some lighter then others nad the only chickens I see in the nesting boxes are my whites so Im a little confused
I have 3 RI reds and I thought my white ones were RI whites ??? I was always told white chickens lay white eggs and other chickens lay brown ..sorry if I sound like an idiot Im new at all this ,,but Ive been getting all brown eggs ,,some lighter then others nad the only chickens I see in the nesting boxes are my whites so Im a little confused

Chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, red ear lobes lay brown. EE's lay green to blue tinted eggs.
I have a Red Star named Rita who has white ears and she lays brown (medium tan) eggs. Her ears look like fancy white earrings from a distance they stand out so much. The other two have red ears. Maybe her ears will turn red when she is older. Seems there is always an oddball breaking the rules! lol
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I have a white hen that lays brown eggs as well. Not sure what kind she is, but from the TSC list of possible pullets, I think she's a Tetra Tint. She's our favorite girl, and here's her picture:
Although some do, not all white chickens lay white eggs. For example, I have two white hens. One is a White rock and lays brown eggs, and the other is a White Leghorn and lays white eggs. The color of the chickens have nothing to do with the egg color. If you want white eggs, look up some other breed that lay eggs. And yes, you can look at their earlobes. That will tell you what color they are supposed to lay.
Hi Guys thanks that helps ..Now I seem to have a problem one of my girls is acting odd not eating alot not interested in treats and isnt running and playing as usual I also noticed her hind end seems to stick out or up more then the others ... I have added a pic of her hiding under the coop and her sibling next to her you can see the difference in the hump I took her from the pen and felt her belly and checked to see if I could see anything stuck in her bottom area and I couldnt see anything ..Im new to all this and its frustrating because Im not sure if she is having a problem or not ..I have also found a few eggs in the same nesting box in the morning do they share ?? or is someone laying more then one egg ??? anyway any info wou

ld be great thanks

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