Why are some people so mean?? :(

We live on a busy main road - our house is acres back off of it, but the road is waaaay more heavily traveled than it used to be. And the people drive like morons. The speed limit is 35. There is a very sharp curve on a downhill slope right above our property. If you are going too fast coming down you hit the embankment. If you are going too fast going up you can't make the turn without going into the oncoming traffic where they cannot see you until it is too late.

DH borrowed a bucket digger backhoe and dug a nice deep trench about two feet in from the paved edge of the road. The state stopped by and asked about it and he showed them - very nicely that the paving had caused water to pool on the roadway at one spot and that he suspected it would ice over come winter!
The ditch was on our land and for water control. Now if you are goin so fast you go off the road edge you land in a ditch just deep enough to trap the average speeder. The animals tend to be reluctant to cross the ditch so it works in both directions. Its full of saw grass now. I swear I did not plant that; I was hoping for tiger lillies!! But the saw grass won.

We catch a speeder in our ditch at least once a month if not more.

Our mailbox is also on a concrete post, for the same reason The last person that hit it totaled their car. But they had hit that turn so fast they had gone airborn over the ditch and come to rest 20 feet up my drive. What if my kids had been there waiting for the bus?
The cop that came was a family friend (he was in our wedding!) The driver had a really bad day.

People still speed.
Last year after my dog and a couple chickens got hit I'm not sure what happened, but I guess trucks hauling stuff "accidently" dropped off a piece of firewood or part of a concrete block, or a big limb right in front of my house on occasions. I think that truck may be getting ready to head back down my road because I think some may have forgotten to slow down and WATCH OUT!
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Stupidity, just flat out stupidity. That's what most of them are.

Then there's the ones who just enjoy causing pain, luckily those are fewer than the just stupid ones or we'd be in big trouble... but they breed just as quickly.

Glad to hear you're adding a fence. Hate that you have to just to feel safe in your own home, but glad you're able to swing it so that bit of stress can be lessened.


Edit... WHAT you are my hero. That's awesome. Not about them wrecking due to their own stupidity, but that you've taken measures to prevent your property or babies getting hurt... very creative problem solving there.
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I don't think these people will stop speeding or start caring about somebody else's farm animals, pets, or even children. Can't depend on other people to do good or the right thing. Just do whatever you can to keep the animals off the road. And yes...this means more expense. But interestingly though, there are some chickens who are "street smart" and instinctively know how to avoid cars (and stupid drivers)! Must be some sort of evolutionary adaptation...
The ditch by the road is such a good idea.What a low tech way to catch some speeders! I am glad you were not required to fill it. I have read you can not add speed bumps,but I think those are a good idea too.

I cemented my mailbox. It was the salt trucks knocking it down with just the snow!

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