Why are some people so mean?? :(

Just a thought, put up a game camera and when it catches a driver hitting one of your birds make posters and post them all over town and up and down the road asking, "DO YOU KNOW THIS DRIVER?"

i'd put up signs saying, "Chicken Crossing" also get one that shows the kids at play.
After their dog was hit and left for dead, one of the neighbors put up a large sign-"Dog Killer I KnowWho You Are, and I'm Waiting For You." That driver stopped using our road.
I am a fence person,but I agree that the driving of some is crazy.I think our road is 35mph,but I see people zip by quite fast.I avoid stepping in the road to get my mail.I never let my kids go near the road.I see kids riding their bikes on the road, and I cringe knowing one look away for a txt or cd can kill those kids.

Even though I hate squirrels I would never run them over.Lol, I will admit to honking at them though!
Is the road dirt or paved? I would contact the town and ask about putting speed bumps in. Let them know that people are driving well over the speed limit and you are afraid someone is going to lose control of their vehicle and end up on your lawn possibly injuring your grandkids or your self.
It was dirt when we first moved out here sprayed with some kind of oil. Now it has some sort of asphalt on it. When it rains it comes up. And there is always loose gravel.
No speed bumps we are part of the county and the oil companies have to pay and have our roads repaved or patched about every 2 years.
The powers that be told me it wasn't exactly legal for me to post signs, but I am going to now.
chicken crossing, duck croosing, kid crossing and put them far enough on my property where you can see them but I can call them "decoration"
I do like the "I know who you are sign" I might make a couple of those today and put them in the trees.

What is bad is my stretch of the road is flat, no curves, you can see for a good long distance if their are animals in the road.
And it is mainly my guineas and they are the one bird I have that I refuse to pen up. I have about 100 of them in different colors, I love to watch them parade around the property gathering insects.
And thanks so much for all the
You could put some wood cutouts of chickens on the side of the road with concrete poles behind them.

I've done this. Not exactly, but a couple years ago we had to replace our mail box 6 times in as many weeks because people kept running it down. So DH put the box on a big pipe filled with concrete set about 3 foot into the ground. Needless to say we've yet to lose the mailbox again.​
Wish I was mean enough to do that. (the wood cutouts)That would be pretty funny to watch. I have evil people here also, speed limit is 35 not 70 mph! People drive me insane, I have lost chickens, ducks, and a turkey to those mean people! There is some that do stop for them though, Thank you to them!
Sorry to hear about all of this. I understand exactly what you mean. In my neck of the woods, we have the same problem. Someone has hit and killed 1 of my Muscovy ducks, 1 chicken and side swiped 1 chicken. People speed down our road at high speeds and the speed limit is 30 MPH. They try to hit the animal on purpose. The chicken that was side swiped was found limping home one day. I put him in the recovery pen and he recovered. He had a terrible limp. Don't know if his foot was broke or not but he is doing fine today.

What we have done and I'm not sure if you will be able to do this on your road but we have all signed a petition and turned it in to the city council and have requested speed bumps. We are waiting a decision. If these speed bumps are approved (they will be FREE), they will place speed bumps in different areas on the road. This will stop all of the speeding. If they speed with these speed bumps, they will tear up their vehicles. I'm not sure if it is 100 yards apart or not but something like that. I hope that they approve our speed bumps. Check and see if you all are able to get speed bumps. Good Luck.
We live on a dead-end sideroad. Only residents and their visitors use it. It used to be a dirt/gravel road with huge potholes in the rainy seaon. That wasn't enough to slow down a NEIGHBOR from hitting my daughter's cat. The cat survived - broken leg and tail - but others have been hit and killed. The posted "speed limit" is 10mph. 1 1/2 yrs ago, the road got paved in asphalt, with a speed bump put in. The speed hump was very effective - we could hear speeders bottom out when they went too fast. So what do you suppose the road committee did? Why, they smoothed out the hump so that it's a mellow hill. Now people go easily 25+mph on the nice smooth pavement. We refused to pay our part of the road "improvement", $1200, because we were not convinced we wouldn't be flooded with the change in drainage patterns (we were right, we've been more flooded than ever these last 2 winters). We never signed the contract, so I think we're OK. In any event, why do people need to go 25+mph for 100 yards till they get to the stopsign?
I can't stand people that do that. I remember the guys in highschool talking about how many "points" you get for hitting a cat or possum on the road with their car. Made me so mad!!!! I grew up in a somewhat rural area. The main road that was traveled was pretty much a two lane highway, that had speed limits that ranged from 55mph to 25mph, depending where you were. There was a little market that always had a group of wild mallards that hung out there. The speed limit here was 25mph. I was stopped in my car, as was the car coming from the opposite direction, because a male and femal pair were trying to cross the road. Both cars were STOPPED. The pair was a little confused and scared and kept going back and forth. Apparently the oncoming jerk, didn't have the patience to wait for them anymore. He gunned it and plowed right into the male Mallard. Feathers went everywhere! The worst part was how terrorfied and panicked the poor female that was with him was. She just kept screaming and running in circles. I couldn't believe it! How could someone be so heartless!!!? That happened over 20 years ago and I still can remember the look on that poor female ducks face. Fortunately, she made it off the road. But to know that she saw her mate get destroyed was heartbreaking. I'm a very strong believer in Karma.

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