Why are there so many ordinances against keeping chickens?

I don't know if there are any ordinances in my town or not, and I'm not going to ask. I figure almost anything goes until someone complains, so I try to keep my neighbors happy with eggs.
* Ya wanta hear weirdness?? IF I were legally blind, as of Jan this year I could have a 'seeing eye' miniture HORSE AND TAKE IT ANY WHERE!!!! I can't hardly wait to see one at the grocery store or on the BUS!!!! But little Miss Chook could get me fined $25 A DAY!!
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Sounds just about right to me!
Poltroon and seachick
I'm motivated to help out
This thread should be made sticky so people can get help when going up against the city. It's up to the chicken fans to change the world!

These kind of laws wrecked my chicken buisness years ago. I was selling birds like crazy and other breeders near me also. But, certain people who in town got bored with their birds or they started laying less decided their birds would do better free ranging 100% of the time. They caused so many problems the city tried to ban chickens and other livestock. Locals fought back and we won sorta. You need a permit for all livestock before you purchase them. It costs $1 per species each year and you are limited to 25 chickens period. Roosters are permitted with the provision that they are not within certain distance from other houses.
Someone told me today that when they were looking into it, someone here in town said that you could have a max of 3 chickens in town! Woohoo! I hope this is true..... I'm off to check the ordinances at the library as soon as they are open. Hopefully Monday!
Our nearest neighbor is about 1/4 mile and the nearest with chickens is about 1/2 mile. I can hear their rooster at very early hours. Some people might not appreciate things like that.

Livestock and pets require management, and since for every responsible pet/livestock manager there are another 15 idiots, cities tend to outlaw them. They also do so because within city limits, required space to have livestock is limitied and they also have the authority to impose ordinances such as banning livestock. It's actually pretty simple to me.

If I opted to live in a cookie-cutter neighborhood in the city, I'd probably be a bit miffed by somebody's rooster crowing 15 feet from my bedroom window when I was trying to sleep. It's no different than hearing salsa music blasting until the wee hours of the night or hearing the next-door neighbor's pack of beagles howling to no end.

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