Why are they being so loud???

I hope Im not doing anything too soon. I have 2 week olds, and one 4 day old. today they went outside in the sun for about 15 minutes. Yesterday my husband found chilly carpenter ants in some firewood and was barely jumping out of his skin to throw them into their brooder. Needless to say they loved them. No other treats yet. And I put a quick stop at the ant feast. Today I put them in my empty warm greenhouse. That was a funny site. Run Chicken Run! And that little 4 day old silkie is lightening fast.
We took two of our thirty outside today - a little Buff Orp roo and girl (the more social of the bunch) - and they did NOT want to go back in when the sun went down! My husband and I just sat there in the grass with them while they roamed a bit - they didn't stray off too far before they'd come running back to jump in our laps! Ours are 5 weeks today, and we just finished the main coop. We'll be fencing the pasture for the girls next weekend, and the boys have their own pasture and we'll be building their housing over the next 2 months, since we don't have to worry about propagation for another few months. Judging by the way two of them acted today outside in the warm sunshine, I'm hoping they ALL love their new digs next week when they're turned out permanently! I'm ready to clean all this chick dust out of my basement! Speaking of boisterous birds, they've just started fussing - so I'd better run to check on them :)
Mine have not been outside yet. I see some of you folks talking about taking yours out for a while then bringing them back in. I can't imagine doing that with these 20 because they are too wild! When these go out it will be a one way trip! lol I haven't really tried to tame of any of them. I don't want to mess up and tame a rooster because the people who have had chickens for a while say that pet roosters are the ones that turn bad because they lose their fear of people. That might not be the case every time but I don't want to chance it. Hate to have to do away with a rooster that I need to keep. I will be glad when I get these outside so I can sit and watch them actually act like chickens. :)
I hope Im not doing anything too soon.  I have 2 week olds, and one 4 day old.  today they went outside in the sun for about 15 minutes.  Yesterday my husband found chilly carpenter ants in some firewood and was barely jumping out of his skin to throw them into their brooder.  Needless to say they loved them.  No other treats yet.  And I put a quick stop at the ant feast.  Today I put them in my empty warm greenhouse.  That was a funny site.  Run Chicken Run!  And that little 4 day old silkie is lightening fast.

It doesn't sound like to me you are doing anything wrong. I think most of us forget what chicks would be doing if they were being raised by a hen like God intended. No doubt they would be running around all over and eating all kinds of stuff.
This topic makes me want to share my own bizarre experience. ^.^

I have a Delaware chick, named Julia. She was oddly friendly from day one. She let me hold her and everything from the get go, at only four days old! By the second day, she started behaving like this. At first, chirping until she could see me. Soon after, began peeping and pacing until I let her out. A little older than two weeks now, she will still do this whenever she sees me. The wanting to get out I understand, but this is behaviour I've never seen in chicks before. XD
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Chicken like a routine and If they are used to going outside they will be unhappy to have their chicken day disrupted, especially if the disruption includes finding themselves stuck in a small boring space. I am actually having the same problem because we are landscaping our yard so our hens are stuck in the run and our chicks are in the garage and they are all very vocal and VERY LOUD about the situation.
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My sister lives in tennese and she let hers live out side permanitly at 1 month.in march.good luck with the chicks.
My sister lives in tennese and she let hers live out side permanitly at 1 month.in march.good luck with the chicks.:)

I really look forward to putting mine outside but I also dread it because of the war I am going to have with predators. My dogs, stray dogs, coyotes, foxes, hawks, coons, possums, snakes and probably bigfoot and other creatures I have forgot to mention! lol I will be locked and loaded! lol I plan on putting electric fencing around the coop/run and that should take care of most of them except the snakes (and except during free range time).
I really look forward to putting mine outside but I also dread it because of the war I am going to have with predators. My dogs, stray dogs, coyotes, foxes, hawks, coons, possums, snakes and probably bigfoot and other creatures I have forgot to mention! lol I will be locked and loaded! lol I plan on putting electric fencing around the coop/run and that should take care of most of them except the snakes (and except during free range time).
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