Why are they doing this

New Mama Chicky

In the Brooder
May 21, 2020
My black jersey giants (we have 8) are getting wet in the water bowel like they want to swim or something, what are they doing and why ? Please help they can easily reach their water and this is new behavior , I've posted pics of one that is wet and crusty looking what should I do it


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I would think it's too hot for them in their pen, I could be wrong but it won't hurt to put a thermometer in with them and make sure it's around the right temp for their age.
I would think it's too hot for them in their pen, I could be wrong but it won't hurt to put a thermometer in with them and make sure it's around the right temp for their age.

Ok , husband is going to switch from red 250 bulb to a 125 bulb thank you for help .
Not sure how old they are. I put rocks in the water bowl with pretty young chicks. They can walk on the rocks and not get soaked or drown. They do poop in the water so you have to change it regularly but I imagine you are doing that anyway.

In the heat of summer some of my adults stand in water to try to cool off. That could be part of your problem. Changing to a lower wattage bulb could help. I also use a heat lamp but my brooder is big enough and has good enough ventilation so I can heat one end and keep it toasty warm but the far end is a lot cooler. My chicks go to their comfort zone.

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