Why Are We Black?

I am sure you can pick up a lavender cockerel easily! Lavender orps are everywhere these days. I have even seen lavender wyandottes, though not as common. 😊

I don't want to bring in an adult from an unknown source. I was hoping for one from this hatch where I'd know what the background was.

I suppose that one day I'll suddenly pop up a lavender chick a few years down the road.
Not the best photo conditions today and my phone camera doesn't pick up the sheen well anyway, but here they are at 20 weeks.

And my Black Langshan cockerel, with whom they will make gloriously black chicks.
Thank you. I need to learn more about chicken genetics.

I will be quite delighted to have split-to-lavender in my flock. :)

I guess it's proof of how long hens can store the rooster's sperm because my friend waited 3-4 weeks before collecting eggs but quite a lot of the hatch were these black chicks rather than black and gold ones.

Here's a picture of some of the chicks together:

View attachment 2662525
Well I see at least 3 roo's
Well I see at least 3 roo's

Yes, there were some males among the chicks with the gold on them but every single one of the black chicks turned out to be female. Not only my 4, but the ones that went to someone else.

I know for sure because that someone couldn't keep roosters and I would have gotten any that were male.

The cross *shouldn't* have been sex-linked, but probability is weird. :D

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