Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

Age old problem with not a straight answer…Sicilian Buttercup, aged two years, “mysteriously” stopped laying. In December 2010, she molted for the first time. In February, she laid about two eggs a week, down from four a week. Then by March, she stopped laying completely.

I can definitely rule out hidden nests & egg eating. The commercial feed is the same, 16% protein, clean water is plentiful, additions to diet include yogurt, vegetable scraps, and crushed egg shells several times a week. The coop is clean, is shaded by trees, and good air circulation.

I understand that multiple factors influence egg laying. So let me address the ones that I’m have an answer:

Physical: she appears to be healthy, and there are no signs of mites or worms.

Emotional/Psychological: she is at the bottom of the pecking order with two other hens, a Production Red and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. The three of them were raised together since July 2009. She doesn’t appear stressed.

Environmental: Nothing has changed. They have a coop with a penned area, and are free ranged a couple of times a week.

Is there something I'm overlooking?
Age? I know they say that chickens can lay for a long time...I've read up to 7 years....but many stop laying after age 2 - 3 depending on the breed.
RADIATION FROM JAPAN IS IN THE STATES....the affects things....the amount in the levels that are ok ....is for humans ...NOT SMALL FOWL.... I have had terrible problems with Guineas hatching this year...all thing are correct... temp, age, stock , conditions, just like everyother year, but this year is a nitemare
david's grammy :

RADIATION FROM JAPAN IS IN THE STATES....the affects things....the amount in the levels that are ok ....is for humans ...NOT SMALL FOWL.... I have had terrible problems with Guineas hatching this year...all thing are correct... temp, age, stock , conditions, just like everyother year, but this year is a nitemare

Where do you live? The radiation levels on the west coast are the same now as they were last year....there is a LOT of background radiation and if your eggs are eating the grass the radiation fell on then it might be a factor....but otherwise it is something else, such as breeding/genetics or the phase of the moon.
An increase in radiation has been found in all states now....in milk and water....when hens that lay the eggs eat bugs from the grass and drink water from rain.....hmmmmm........OH WELL, DO NOT BELIEVE.... but I know for sure the affects were there in the states after the accident in Russia.......and my stock is 1 year old, not from same breeds, and the temp was fine , so was the humidly, mine incubators are new, I have the correct ratio of hen to cock....and I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS, SO I KNOW THIS YEAR IS WAY DIFFERENT........................Guineas do not get diseases from other birds...you know.... my friends ...in different states are having the same problem, but not just in their guineas, but turkeys, chickens, pheasant. etc.......BUT YOU BE SURE TO BELIEVE THE GOV'T.....THEY ALWAYS KEEP THE PUBLIC INFORMED ON THE TRUTH....................................NOT....
david's grammy :

An increase in radiation has been found in all states now....in milk and water....when hens that lay the eggs eat bugs from the grass and drink water from rain.....hmmmmm........OH WELL, DO NOT BELIEVE.... but I know for sure the affects were there in the states after the accident in Russia.......and my stock is 1 year old, not from same breeds, and the temp was fine , so was the humidly, mine incubators are new, I have the correct ratio of hen to cock....and I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS, SO I KNOW THIS YEAR IS WAY DIFFERENT........................Guineas do not get diseases from other birds...you know.... my friends ...in different states are having the same problem, but not just in their guineas, but turkeys, chickens, pheasant. etc.......BUT YOU BE SURE TO BELIEVE THE GOV'T.....THEY ALWAYS KEEP THE PUBLIC INFORMED ON THE TRUTH....................................NOT....

Actually I am not beleiveing the government, I am believing a long time friend who happens to work for the state as a geologist and is directly involved in monitoring radiation levels in areas he is digging in, who has 2 young girls, so he has a vested interest in knowing what is going on in the food supply. "increased levels" does not mean "dangerous levels". Cell phones are far more dangerous to our health than the radiation that has drifted over from Japan. I absolutely do NOT allow my chickens to use cell phones.

Edited for typo​
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I had Black Stars for almost 6 years. One lived after my dog hurt her pelvis, and bravely gave me an egg a day for 5 years. They both stopped laying after 5 years. I still keep the other as a pet. She gives me great poop for the compost!
HERE YOU GO FOR ALL UN NONBELIEVERS....... WHO REFUSE Nowhere to Run: Hot radioactive particles in Seattle at 50 percent of levels seen in Tokyo — Latches onto lung tissue.... TO RESEARCH ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN.....
The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it believes the melted fuel rods in the No. 1 reactor are partially exposed above the water’s surface.

Tokyo Electric Power Company says the reactor’s fuel rods have melted and fallen to the bottom. It says holes were created and the containment vessel was also damaged. A large amount of highly radioactive water is believed to be leaking into the reactor building. [...]

It says it believes that the exposed fuel is generating hot vapor.

Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant, Telegraph, June 9, 2011:

The findings of the report, which has been given to the International Atomic Energy Agency, were revealed by the Yomiuri newspaper, which described a “melt-through” as being “far worse than a core meltdown” and “the worst possibility in a nuclear accident.” [...]

Water that was pumped into the pressure vessels to cool the fuel rods, becoming highly radioactive in the process, has been confirmed to have leaked out of the containment vessels and outside the buildings that house the reactors. [...]

Gov’t report suggests situation “far worse” than meltdown — It “is the worst possibility in a nuclear accident” June 8, 2011

TEPCO officials confirm meltdown in Fukushima reactor No 1 while water levels uncontrollably rise and thousands more evacuate, Bellona (Norway), May 17, 2011:

[...] The fuel melted through the bottom of the reactor core, something that can cause a dangerous and uncontrolled chain reaction. A highly placed TEPCO official also said he expected that because the fuel in Fukushima Daiichi’s reactor Nos 2 and 3 is in similar condition, meltdowns likely occurred at those power blocks as well.

Officials with TEPCO, which owns the Fukushima Daiichi plant, said that it took them over two months to reveal the incendiary news of the meltdown because they had only begun to start obtaining detailed data on the temperatures and pressure in the reactor and analyze it in early May – though many nuclear and environmental experts had long concluded that the fuel melt had taken place.

The confirmation of the meltdown TEPCO led Japanese officials Tuesday to begin evacuating people from outside the 20 kilometer radius exclusion zone [...]


Japan: U.S. Agency to Stop Monitoring Nuclear Plant, New York Times, May 16, 2011:

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission said on Monday that its 24-hour operations center had stopped monitoring the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant because the situation there had improved. “The conditions at the Japanese reactors are slowly stabilizing,” said William Borchardt, the agency’s chief staff official. “[...] conditions have continued to improve [...]“

I am new to your blogsite....
i am totally new to raising egg laying chickens....and i need your HELP>>>
i bough 3 hens 10 days ago, 2 Reds and 1 White leghorn.....after 2 days the Reds began laying one egg a day....which is great...
however, the White hen has not yet layed a single egg....????? what am i doing wrong????? the lady i bought the chickens from says they were are laying when she had them....she said they are all about 1 year old....
any advise will help, please.

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