Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

I have five hens. One was laying everyday and has no quit. Another is trying to hatch her eggs and has not left the nest in two days. Two don't leave their perch to go outside until about ten in the morning, and one seems normal. Question: is there something I should be doing to keep the broody girl healthy and is it normal to quit laying in the summer?
I have five hens. One was laying everyday and has no quit. Another is trying to hatch her eggs and has not left the nest in two days. Two don't leave their perch to go outside until about ten in the morning, and one seems normal. Question: is there something I should be doing to keep the broody girl healthy and is it normal to quit laying in the summer?

Summer is prime laying time. Have you looked under the broody to see if the others are laying their eggs in her clutch (nest)?

No, there is nothing you need to do for or to the broody. She is getting off the nest, eating, pooping and drinking. You may not see her do it, but she has to....she can't keep poop in for 21 days.
My chickens haven't laid an egg in 2 or 3 three months. They had mites, and I lost 3 chickens during that time, their combs were very pale, my dominant hen was very pale. Now most of my hens have bright pink combs, 2 have red combs, but my dominant hen is still just pink. Any ideas on what is the problem, are they still just recovering? Will they lay again? Please any help is appreciated.
My chickens haven't laid an egg in 2 or 3 three months. They had mites, and I lost 3 chickens during that time, their combs were very pale, my dominant hen was very pale. Now most of my hens have bright pink combs, 2 have red combs, but my dominant hen is still just pink. Any ideas on what is the problem, are they still just recovering? Will they lay again? Please any help is appreciated.

Dust again for mites. Other reasons for a pale comb are molting, broodiness and illness. Have you tried adding some Apple Cider Vinegar to their water (the kind with "Mother" in it, cuz that is what they need, the microbes in the mother)
OK, I'll try giving them that, so you think they could still be suffering from the mites? Thanks for your help :)
Mites are hard to get rid of because they get them again from bedding and just being outdoors. Dust regularly for mites and if you have wood ash available put some in their favorite dust "bowls". When they are dust bathing they are trying to rid themselves of bugs.

And you are welcome....that's what this forum is about...people helping people.
the links where helpful. It's getting colder, the days are getting shorter, the chicken area is right next to my Muscovy duck and I just added a new duck so my chickens are stressed by the whole thing. Oh and they started molting... I most likely won't be getting eggs for a while
Mites are hard to get rid of because they get them again from bedding and just being outdoors. Dust regularly for mites and if you have wood ash available put some in their favorite dust "bowls". When they are dust bathing they are trying to rid themselves of bugs.

And you are welcome....that's what this forum is about...people helping people.

I sprinkle D.E on my birds or mix it in with sand in their dust bath box.
Hi, My 8 chickens are ranging from 12-20 mos. There are 2 Orpingtons, 2 Marans, 1 Austerlorp, 1 Ameracana, 1 Araucana & 1 Faverole. The faverole and younger Marans are brooding (forever on empty boxes-were pretty faithful before 4-5/wk ea) The only hen that is laying regular is the younger orpington. Occasionally the araucana does. They have good quality layer food available at all times and plentiful water (6 scattered) . They get meal worms, garden scraps (tomatoes, watermellon...), some table scraps & run of the back yard. They appear happy and healthy. The older Marans molt re-feathering is taking a long time so she looks less impressive than usual but still almost no eggs all summer. I've looked all over the yard. I don't know what to think. Could the molt be taking all summer for everyone? Also, there are 2 ducks who are very productive but their egg shells have become very thin. I have even stirred oyster shell through their layer feed but it hasn't resolved.
My neighbor got a very loud 4 wheeler he has been working on this summer. Could all that noise be upsetting them so much? The lawn mower and weed eater never bothers them. They act thrilled when I start mowing. I'm puzzled. Am I doing something wrong? Open to input...
I was just reading an article from the Murray McMurray newsletter about the fewer hours of daylight affecting egg laying. There are 2 links in the article; 1st link takes you to a latitude finder for your area and the 2nd link allows you to enter your latitude to find the number of daylight hours for a particular day of the year.

For example, when I put the name of a town close to us in the 1st link (Gainesville, FL) it told me the latitude was 29 degrees. Going to the 2nd link with that figure showed me that today I am getting 12.5 hours of daylight.

Here are the links to the MM article as well as the latitude finder and daylight hours explorer:




Interesting stuff, check it out. I'm going to bookmark this to track the daylight hours we are getting in case we need to make an adjustment to the supplemental light the girls get in their coop in the morning.

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