Solved Why can't I find my old subcriptions?


5 Years
Apr 3, 2017
Why can't I find my subscriptions That I've started before byc moved? Also the only way I can get on this site is if I get on through backyard herds
I can't find mine either, where is the big list of threads i've recently posted in on my profile :confused:
Also, i think this is just a test, the BYC team still needs to work out some bugs. You can still access the old BYC but you can't post. Also i somehow pressed bold when i typed "BYC team" but don't feel like fixing it. :p
Subscriprions are d watches threads.I can only get to the site through ByH to:hmmn my app it just takes me to the old site.
Your subscriptions are now called "watched threads". You can find them on the menu that comes up via the "Home" tab up top.

BYC isn't technically live right now. We're here poking around and notifying Rob/support staff if we find any issues. We should be live tomorrow & then you can access using the normal website address.
That will populate one the search index has been rebuilt. That's the last step of the import.

It's in the "watched threads" right now.

Another thing I'm wondering if it will show the number of posts since we last read the particular thread like it did on the old byc. If not, that's on my wish list!

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