Why can't I log out?


13 Years
Apr 7, 2008
Northern Wisconsin
For several weeks I have not been able to log out of BYC. No, I don't refer here to my ADDICTION to BYC, that is another problem. I mean that when I press "log out" my status still shows logged IN.
i have a macintosh that remembers log ins and passwords in a keychain and enters them each time i log into any site i have previously registered with. Could that be your issue? The keychain would be separate from the cache and cookies.
If you can't log out then leave BYC and clear all your cookies. Once you come back to BYC you should be logged out. If not, then there is a problem on your PC. The only way BYC can know you are you to keep you logged in is by the cookies on your computer.

You could also make sure the option in your profile to always keep you logged in is unchecked.

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