Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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Poor Veronica...hope she'll be okay. If I lived near you, I'd gladly come over with my air pistol and sting some feline hiney!
I so agree about picking up someone else's cat poo. . .My cat is an indoor cat and when I had dogs, I never allowed them to roam around and poop in other people's yards. I think it's really inconsiderate for people to let their cats poop in my yard. I chase them out of my yard whenever I catch them, but why should I have to do that? Why are cats pooping/roaming around in other people's yards considered by many OK, but a loose dog would not be?
What do song birds have to do with this thread? Chickens are not song birds. And chickens are just as native to this country as cats are.
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Ah, thanks so much for your kind thoughts. i hope Veronica will be okay and my vet can save that beak. But can you come over and sting some neighbor hiney?
I wish!! I cant STAND any loose cats around my house.
Why dont cat owners have to follow the same rules/laws that dog owners do?? I cant stand it!
There are no cat owners.

People do not own cats - Cats own people.

Cats think they are in control of the world.

I think cats have powers of mind control, causing humans to do irrational things, or ignore the fact that the cat is really causing problems.

Then again, maybe I am wrong.

What do song birds have to do with this thread? Chickens are not song birds. And chickens are just as native to this country as cats are.

The songbirds the cats kill ARE native to this country. Cats are not, and if not contained are pests and hazards to native species. Non native snakes, birds, mammals, etc that are trapped are destroyed, not released. I think it should be the same for feral cats. And cat owners should have the responsibility of making sure their cat is not killing anything or being a pain in someone else's butt. Cat owners shouldn't be exempt from showing respect to their neighbors, allowing your animal to crap all over someone else's yard and harrass their pets is being disrespectful and irresponsible, imho.
What do song birds have to do with this thread? Chickens are not song birds. And chickens are just as native to this country as cats are.

The songbirds the cats kill ARE native to this country. Cats are not, and if not contained are pests and hazards to native species. Non native snakes, birds, mammals, etc that are trapped are destroyed, not released. I think it should be the same for feral cats. And cat owners should have the responsibility of making sure their cat is not killing anything or being a pain in someone else's butt. Cat owners shouldn't be exempt from showing respect to their neighbors, allowing your animal to crap all over someone else's yard and harrass their pets is being disrespectful and irresponsible, imho.

Thank you. Please read my quote that says chickens are just as native to this country as cats. I did not say song birds weren't native. It is irresponsible humans that don't spay/neuter allowing for roaming/spaying and uncontrolled mating. Unfortunately it's the cats that suffer, for just trying to survive.

Edit to add:
All I'm saying is make this post under a songbird's forum. Not a chicken forum. Please tell me what country is a feral cat native?
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We haven't (yet) had any problems with feral or neighborhood cats and our chickens because the chicks are only in the coop for now. We have, though, had cats hunting our songbirds at the feeders. If we see the cats out there, we shoo them off. So, there are two problems: One, there are feral and neighborhood cats and two, we are attracting the cats by feeding the songbirds. Soon, chickens will be added to the mix. Overall, everyone except for we humans will be doing exactly what falls in line with the naturtal order of predator/prey. Cat owners think that Snowflake hasn't a killer instinct in her furry body, and we provide the prey. What else would a cat do but hunt during the day and return to a safe home at night?

I can't do anything about the owners, but i can protect the birds and my flock. I place feeders out in the open and away from bushes, trees, etc. For me, I feel that is the responsible thing to do. I'll also make sure than my run is as secure as I can make it. All because I am the wild card in the grand scheme of things.

This is my own point of view. Believe it or not, I also agree with yours, no matter what it is. I am just doing what I feel is right in the situation I am in and so are each of us. I learn at least a little something from each post I read here, and I am thankful to be able to be a member of such an open and earnest group of people.
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