Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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What i would like to do is grow to 50 times my size and go chase the owners around until they are terrified and run into a wall and smash their noses. That would be fair.
The songbirds the cats kill ARE native to this country. Cats are not, and if not contained are pests and hazards to native species. Non native snakes, birds, mammals, etc that are trapped are destroyed, not released. I think it should be the same for feral cats. And cat owners should have the responsibility of making sure their cat is not killing anything or being a pain in someone else's butt. Cat owners shouldn't be exempt from showing respect to their neighbors, allowing your animal to crap all over someone else's yard and harrass their pets is being disrespectful and irresponsible, imho.

Thank you. Please read my quote that says chickens are just as native to this country as cats. I did not say song birds weren't native. It is irresponsible humans that don't spay/neuter allowing for roaming/spaying and uncontrolled mating. Unfortunately it's the cats that suffer, for just trying to survive.

Edit to add:
All I'm saying is make this post under a songbird's forum. Not a chicken forum. Please tell me what country is a feral cat native?

Her chickens may not be native, but they are properly contained in her yard, not going to her neighbors and causing problems. Cats should be the same, if you can't keep it from causing problems for someone else you shouldn't have a cat. I don't mean you personally, sorry if it sounds that way, I mean cat owners in general who think fluffy has the right to do whatever their heart desires.
Don't you wish it was that easy??? I'd present the vet bill. I'm skeptical that they'll pay, but it may scare them enough to keep their cats contained...for a while. I'd be prepared with an animal trap...I think you'll need it within a month
Thank you. Please read my quote that says chickens are just as native to this country as cats. I did not say song birds weren't native. It is irresponsible humans that don't spay/neuter allowing for roaming/spaying and uncontrolled mating. Unfortunately it's the cats that suffer, for just trying to survive.

Edit to add:
All I'm saying is make this post under a songbird's forum. Not a chicken forum. Please tell me what country is a feral cat native?

Her chickens may not be native, but they are properly contained in her yard, not going to her neighbors and causing problems. Cats should be the same, if you can't keep it from causing problems for someone else you shouldn't have a cat. I don't mean you personally, sorry if it sounds that way, I mean cat owners in general who think fluffy has the right to do whatever their heart desires.

I couldn't agree more. I guess I have a different point of view, since I work for the animal shelter. I'm the one who sees the cats brought in, and the people think "out of sight out of mind". Day after day these cats are being euthanized. It can get exhausting. Do people not understand that Trapping/Neutering/Returning is the only answer? Feral cats do not have a long lifespan anyway. They'll naturally die off and not leave offspring. And you can enjoy the natural rodent control in the meantime

I have two cats that stay inside 100% of the time. Loves of my life. It makes me so upset when people see cats as disposable. Trapping them and returning to their owner is the best way (making sure they're spayed/neutered is even better IMO

"Oops sorry Mr. Jones. Fluffy the cat is being returned to you missing two little parts" LOL!

Its easy to post on a forum to bring them in the the shelter, but when one works for a shelter and has to be the one who see it day after day... there has to be a better answer. Thank you for being understanding
DvanderSlik, you have a unique perspective, and i totally agree with you. i wouldn't be taking my neighbor's cats to the shelter to be euthanized. It would be to cause them aggravation and cost them money to get them out, as i would let them know they were there. Would not want an accidental euthanasia.

On feral cats, i have no problem with ferals. When we first moved here, we had a gaggle that lived at the back of our property. They never came up close to the pens, they were too skitterish. And i know they kept the rodent population down. Then a year or so ago, from what i understand, a neighbor behind us trapped them one by one and took them in to be destroyed. So sad. They had a hard enough life as it was. There's one in particular i really miss. Big beautiful black and white boy. He never came around during the day. But at night he would come up close to the pens to hunt rats. i would go out to do final inspection and see him patiently sitting there, and tell him "Good boy!".
In my locality it has become illegal to feed the feral cat colonies so trap/neuter/release has become trap/neuter/dump. This results in man shy, trap shy cats that serve no viable purpose. Yes, I have fed some dumped on me until they could be retrapped and taken to AC. One lasted 3 years until he was hit on the road. The last one was taken by a coyote this spring, but another has appeared, and yes, I am feeding it until I can catch it. Someone else is making their demise my responsibility. I don't appreciate that.
my neighbor's cat really bullys my cats badly in their own backyard and if i leave my car door open it will pee on my seats and i have to pay up the bum to get them cleaned. Like i said it tries to jump in my window at night while my cat is sleeping on the sill and poops on my rosemary bushes. Unfortunately i cant really say anything because my cats are indoor/outdoor and i feel it would be terribly hypacritical.
Uck. Cleaning furniture... not fun. I'd say take this little kitty for a day trip to the low or no-cost spay/neuter clinic. The cost would probably be a drop in the bucket compared to cleaning the furniture again. I know the Nevada Humane Society has low cost options in Reno! You can call 775-856-2000, ext. 333. Neutering him will 90% of the time take care of the spraying issue, may even deter him from wandering as much! Good luck.
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