Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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There's a huge difference between stinky, gooey, wet cat poop and little bird poops. I don't have to worry too much about stepping in bird poop, or accidentally running over it with my riding mower tires. It's not stinky, doesn't create a huge mess, isn't that big of a deal. However, accidentally running over a pile of nasty cat poop while mowing, or stepping it in (my cat is indoors so I don't have to worry about her piles outside - only in her litterbox), is really gross. My mower tire or shoes have to be washed off, which is another icky task. Whereas my cat is fed food that doesn't make her terribly stinky, the cats that poop in my yard seem to always have gross poop. I don't think anyone would welcome a neighborhood dog using their yard as it's bathroom area, why should it be any different with cats? Some cats' poop is bigger than some dogs' and just as gross in my yard when it's not my pet.
Call it illegal but any cat around my coop is an unwelcome guess, and without a collar or identification it is feral.period. it will be quickly dispatched nice and quietly with a. 22.
What about the people that lets their dogs outside? Hmm? That is no different. I have two dogs, a cat, a horse, and 65 chickens. They all live together in harmony! Cat's must be free to roam or they will 'do their business' all over your house! You obviously don't have a cat. I hope you never get one because it will be sad for the cat. My cat would tear apart a dog that chased it. It is my property and I can flip if I want to over someone's dog or cat or whatever trespassing on my land. I don't want to start an argument but, here you go, here are your good reasons for being a jerk. I let my chickens out in the yard and my cat never messes with them. Some people just don't know when to stop talking, do they. I wouldn't say cat owners are the selfish irresponsible ones.

I wasn't being a jerk to anyone, just giving an opinion. Our dogs do not run lose and not sure why you would say that? Sorry to have upset you, but your post and attitude directly prove my point. We do not have cats at this time but have in the past and that is how I know they will kill chicks and young pullets when given a chance.

I do not hate cats...

How you treat and care for your animals is not my business and do as you wish, but remember that to many livestock owners a cat is simply another predator to be dealt with as they see fit. And that is my whole point that it is not fair to the cat that is just doing what cats do naturally, but when they are on someone other than the cat owners property harassing or killing chickens, etc. they could end up not coming home. How fair is that to your pet?

Or how fair to the person that has to deal with the animal (your pet) as a predator on their property....
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Cat people are crazy.

That is what this thread has told me. Some seem unwilling to take responsibility or even understand that their precious is capable of doing bad things.

As far as letting owners know,if I could identify who owns the cats they let roam, unfixed, spraying my porch, car, newspaper, phone book, scratching my perfectly restored hardwood porch posts and barnwood solarium, spraying and going in my gardens, destroying plants, knocking over pots, scratching cushions on porch furniture, fighting at 3am, mating at 3 am and other ungodly things, I would be having a conversation with them.

Things have been better, not worse as some have implied, since the trapping and removal of some of these cats.
Sportsfans, we are rapidly approaching 'shut down' unless some of the name calling stops. So far it's been a relatively polite exchange on a volaile subject. Why force the mods to close it down?
The issue is this - it stops being your PET when it becomes someone else's PROBLEM.

Here, there is no leash law; it's legal for dogs to roam at will. Any dog attacking livestock can be shot. Any trespassing animal, including cats (I asked animal control!), can be trapped. The only LEGAL requirement is that the animal be disposed of humanely.

It isn't my job to keep the neighbor's dogs, cats, or kids out of my yard. It isn't my neighbor's job to keep my birds out of hers
Everyone should operate within the law. Cats are allowed to run free by law. Dogs are not.

The types of complaints I see here are because humans are living too close to one another.

I love all animals. I am not so crazy about people. (De-claw a cat? How cruel!)

Find a way to (legally) live in harmony with all beings around you.

Thank you. Well said.​
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Laws or no laws if an animal is in your yard and you don't want it in your yard then get rid of it.

People who let their pets roam understand the risks to their pet.Yes,they will probably get new ones,which you can get rid of as well if they become bothersome. The important thing to remember when dealing with animals is to not poison or do anything that is considered cruel,because then YOU can get in trouble.

Good idea as well to not let your neighbors know you will *take care* of any animals that come onto your land.It could create a NFH situation even if you weren't the one who did something to their pet.
Yeah, i wouldnt say anything to my neighbors if i trapped their cat and got rid of it.
But i would ask them ONCE nicely that i dont want their cat in my yard..
If they keep letting their cat outside and being disrespectful to me. Well then,.... i just wont say anything else and i'd get rid of the cat.

Neighbor: "Hey, have you seen Fluffy? She didnt come home last night..."
Me: "You mean the orange cat that keeps pooping in my garden?...Nah, havent seen her
... hope a coyote or fox didnt eat her.What a horrible way to die.. Actually I thought i saw a fox chasing something at dusk last night...Sure hope it wasnt her... " ( maybe they'll care enough to keep their poor cats inside next time)...

*ETA: And yes, i AM a crazy cat lady. I have 6 indoor cats that i love very much..
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In the OPs case I would say YES, that cat owner is the irresponsible one. And just because YOUR cat is fine with chickens doesn't all are, I have had strays come by and take out young birds even though mine don't touch them.

Like you said, whats the difference between cats and dogs being let outside? None, both should be locked up if you can't keep them on your property. Plain and simple. The OPs poultry are on HER property and are fenced up in HER yard, they should not have to be terrorized by a cat all day.

Shoot the cat, save yourself the trouble.
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