Why did she lay a very small egg today?

What about this one?


That egg got laid before the shell formation process got completed. This is often caused by stress, for example when the hen gets a big fright or gets disturbed. I got one of those from my hens once, but mine was a water balloon, no shell. She laid it right in front of me too. She was fine afterwards and continued laying normal eggs, but I can tell you, she had me worried there for awhile!

There's more info on odd eggs, including tiny "fart" eggs like the ones pictured above and their causes here:

I had a brown leghorn do this once. She laid a double yolker one day and then the next day laid a egg with no yolk at all.

Here are pics of three eggs from her. double yolker on the left, no yolker in the middle and a normal egg on the right.
I got these 4 little eggs (just 1 a day) in a 5 or 6 day stretch a few months ago, then haven't had another since. They may look bigger in this pic than they are. Even the biggest little one in the lower left corner is still WAY smaller than a pullets first egg.

My new pullets weren't with the 6 older hens yet, so they came out of an older hen that had been laying at least 18 months. These small eggs were always right next to the same colored big egg everyday....not the same colored as they were, but the small colored as in the same hen's normal egg.

I've kept them in the fridge and still have them for some reason....

Hens that are quitting lay often pop out a very small egg at the end. It could mean she is quitting for a long time (will moult) or she is just at the end of a clutch. Not unusual. I have seen these often.
I have 20 pullets and when they lay the first egg it is small has a yolk , it is just miniature. Then the next one is bigger and then normal size. I know when another pullet has started laying by the small egg in the nesting box.
This is normal. Sometimes a hen will lay small eggs if she isn't getting enough calcium. Don't worry about it, but to be safe throw the egg away.
occasionally a hen will get a "hiccup" wich pretty much is she got bothered and it messed up her egg cycle this normally clears up within a day and she's back on her regular cycle

Did she get a bit of a scare recently?

Did she stop laying for a few days and then start again? if so she may have just stopped and started up again and need to "get back in the groove"

did you add a knew member to the flock?

has there been any squabbles that have been a little bigger then a peck away from the feeder?

these eggs come small (this one even had a yolk.)

My english game bird/japanese bantam hen mix laid one of those before! creeped me out cuz mine had a yolk too and it was half the size of a green grape!

Heres the pretty lady herself

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