Why did they loose their appetite?


11 Years
Aug 9, 2008
Reno Nevada
I don't know why my two hens have lost their appetite. They used to look forward to eating their greens in the am, and layer feed during the day. They free roam during they day. In the evening before they go in their run I give them a little scratch, they arn't really interested in that either. They don't act sick and drink water. They haven't had a first molt yet, think maybe that's it? Their 15mths old.
If they aren't acting sick it may just be a phase. Sometimes mine don't touch the pellets or treats for days. I just figure they are full of bugs etc. from free ranging. They have never turned down scratch. Hmmm, Could there be rats or something in the coop keeping them afraid to go near the food? Had that happen once.

The rat situation is under control, I've got rat poison boxes set outside the hen house and run area. The only thing I can think of is I have two new pullets, separated from them by a small pen. I've put the pen inside the run to slowly introduce them before they get fully feathered.

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