Why did you get your first chickens?

Last year at TSC we saw ChickDays. We have always wanted to have a small farm, garden, chickens, fruit trees, bees, we have all of thoes now. So last year we got 6 hens, 2 bantam roosters, we biult our huge chicken coop, we call it the chilton. So we fell in love with our flock, this year we got 6 more hens from TSC..
I never even decided to get chickens.....they were always some of them in the yard as far back as i can remember. I don't know why, but I naturally had a fondness for them and now I still have chickens, but have expanded to other poultry and animals as well.
I had an interest in raising my own chickens four years ago. So I read books, web pages, watched you tube videos, and educated myself on how to do this. Last year, I decided it's now or never. I checked out if there was any ordinances prohibiting my desire, nope nothing standing in my way. I went to the tractor supply chic days, and purchased 6 RIR. I originally only wanted to start with four, but the minimum purchase was six, so I went ahead anyways. My purpose was for the eggs and meat, in my quest to become more self reliant, and more humane to what I eat. If you have ever seen seen "Food INC" you understand what I am talking about when I say more humane. Next month the original 6 will be one year old. I just got four new ones last night at Big R two Buffs and two Brown leg horn. Four of the original flock will be my first homegrown, stewed, canned chicken. Their eggs have been wonderful, I pretty confident they will also be great chicken and noodles ;-)
I know this one!
I was at a Kresgees Departmen1964 and they had little pink, yellow, green and bluechicks for sale 'cause it was Easter. They were 11 cents each I think. I got 7 and 23 cents worth of starter feed - about 3 pounds if I remember correctly. The whole deal might have been $2, I forget stuff now. I was with a friend and his Mom, so I got away with it LOL. I got home and put them in an old cracked aquarium we had, and we had to butcher and eat them for the 4th of July 'cause a neighbor ratted us out when they started to crow in the backyard.
Then, in 1983, DW let me get chickens here and we have had them ever since.
Whoa sorry that last post I messed up on!!!! Sorry 20736!!!

Well my first chicks.......... My dad ran to the feed store to get some horse feed. My mom was on the phone with him and asked me if I needed anything there for the cats and dog. All I said was "baby chicks!!!!" my mom said that on the phone, and tol him NOT to get any chicks. Well....... He came hOme with 4 little babies!!!! I then became the researcher of the family and looked up all different kinds of breeds. Our chicken population slowly began to grow........ Lol
When I was a little girl my dad was a college professor. He brought home a lab hen that had been used in some form of psychological testing. I think she was a Leghorn but her name was Shirley and she was my favorite pet. I used to load her into my toy baby buggy where she would fall asleep on her back. She went broody and hatched a duckling and was the coolest pet. We had a litter of puppies, and the puppies got her but the memories stayed with me.

Last winter my awesome husband encouraged me to go for it and get our first chickens. So I did. We got 8 from MPC. I chose them for sweetness and egg laying and we ended up with Delawares, Australorps and Red Stars!. We wanted eggs but more importantly we wanted birds who would interact with us and keep us laughing. That's what we got!

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My story is kinda funny... A guy who had a huge crush on my big sis gave her four birds, including a silver Phoenix roo worth around $400. She couldn't care less, and made me take care of them. I fell in love, built bigger coops, learned everything I could, and here I am, seven years later! :weee
My obession started when I met my husband. We had a long distance romance for a while and then I decided to move to him in the Midwest from the East Coast. I've always loved Poultry shows but I've always lived in suburban areas where you can't have livestock etc.

He has a chicken ranch. What!?! Cool. His familly are definately bird people. It felt like this is home immediately. I made it my honor to feed and water his chickens. He has about 40 or more. Soon, I was called the chicken lady, here and back in VA. Seems like a compliment : )

I wanted baby goats and I also mentioned to him that I also wanted some chickens (his are game type) and that I wanted good egg layers. I also noticed that his uncle, next door, had just been given 9 Buff Orpingtons and 3 RIRs. I would stand at the fence line forever and watch them and giggle. I'd feed them a little bit too. Well, that was it. I had to have some chunky girls of my own.

Hubby said the feed store gets baby chicks in early Feb. Excellent! Just so happens, my birthday is in Feb. and THAT's what I want for my bday....chickies. It seemed like forever for that day to come. The closest they had to Orpingtons that day were New Hamps. I got a few and that's when I lost my mind. I started doing research on different breeds, egg they produce etc. Oh wow. I ordered more and more. The New Hamps are 3 weeks old now. I also have a Silkie, a Sebright, Buff Orps, Dominiques, Marans, RIRs and I am getting more Silkies and Cochins next week. Ok, so my birthday is a month long celebration....heehee. I may have over did it, but we have the space and means for them here at The Acres. I am learning so much and I am enjoying being entertained by all of them.
My kids didn't want to brush their teeth and we had to find some way to clean their teeth.


Ok, my husband grew up with chickens and wanted our kids to have the same experience. We drove 200 miles one day to pick up out 15 chickens and came home with 60. My kids are not having the experience my husband had! They sold chickens at the fair for $100 each. We have hatched many chicks. We let a broody hen hatch eggs and the list is going on. My husband wanted the kids to have the chore of cleaning the coop :)

I wanted the chickens to fill the void that come every winter when the birds go south. I Love my roosters for the sound.

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