Why did you start raising chicken?

I did it for many reasons, but the main reason is that I believed that chickens would rid my garden of squash bugs. They didn't. Squash bugs are nasty even to chickens. I decided free ranging in the garden isn't going to work. It is pretty cool that I can keep six egg manufacturing, mini-dinosaurs in the back yard that live on scraps, pests, and scratch and poop fertilizer all day long. And they are great fun to watch too. The other reason is so the kids can experience animal husbandry. My six year old son has taken a liking to chicken chores. After collecting the eggs this afternoon, he stood up on the picknick table and raise his fists in the air while exclaimed "I am the Chicken King!" He also will look you in the eye and tell you that the olive and blue eggs taste the best but the white ones from the store don't taste very good.
My story started when someone put out a game hen and a bantam rooster where my husband worked[had alot of woods there] well the hen went into the woods made a nest and hatched out 10 chicks, they caught them and I came and picked them up. That started my love affair with chickens I already had ducks and a goose so it was only natural that I'd be picked to give them a nice home, I love them all, but we do butcher our extra roos for the freezer. It doesn't get any easier as we go but it's something we have to do, noone wants roosters here except for fighting or training. That hens name is Miss Lydia
When I was a young girl, my Great Aunt lived on a farm w/ a much older gentleman.. He had pigs, chickens, honeybees and raised ALL of their food. Their house was built in the 1800 and had been in his family forever...It was in the middle of a pecan orchard. For a few yrs., we lived close enough to her to be able to go stay w/ her for a month during the summer.. I thought I was in heaven.. There were 7 kids in our family, our parents were of the school--kids were to not be see or heard...They never spent time w/ us--just too busy. Anyway, when I was w/ my aunt --I was the only child there.. And they would sing, talk and even play games w/ me in the evening. My Aunt was thrilled to "let me" take care of the chickens, dogs, cats, and work in the garden... And every day, I got to gather the eggs. She "let" me do her chores ...including cleaning the coop... That was almost 50yrs ago, and I have wanted chickens since then.. Last yr. , My dh finally decided he had time to build a secure coop and run and I ended up w/ a dozen pullets (POL).. Over half died, w/ in the first 6months.. I was heartbroken.. Couldn't find out why.. SO, this year--I decided to add more.. Found 11 true Ameraucanas that were w/in 30min. of me and they are growing and are so sweet and pretty... Then I found a lady who had Black Copper Marans and purchased 2 from her... Put my order in for a few Blue Marans in the spring, looking for someone who has Silver Laced Wyandottes and my brother has bantam Cochins... So, as you can see I am very addicted!!! And One of my hens was named for my wonderful Great Aunt...who taught me to love chickens...and all farm things...

By the way, My dh and I now own his family farm: I started my own orchard--apple, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate, fig, cherries, blueberries, and a small vineyard! I have 10 hives of honeybees, my chickens-- and I planted pecan trees in honor of my wonderful great Uncle... Dixie

This is for all those people who don't think --that all those little things you do for a child doesn't affect them...
First off I have always wanted to be as self sufficient as possible. I knew chickens and gardening would get me there to some degree. Then I watched a documentry on the egg laying business. I was horrified. I tried to talk my husband into it but he was afraid we wouldnt be able to ie against the law. I called our local animal control to ask the laws on keeping chickens and found out we were able to. So for Mothers day my hubby built me a coop and got me some chicks. I dont want to support the egg laying business by buying eggs from them and its hard to get fresh eggs without having to travel so here I am with 9 RIR's 6 barred Rocks 3 Black Australorps 2 naked necks 6 banyard mixes and 1 Delaware roo that I need to rehome. I also have 2 dozen RIR's in the incubator day 4 Bet my hubby never thought when I said I wanted chickens this would happen

what feed store do you use in Sacramento? I use River Valley, over in Rio Linda, i prefer it to Western Feed and Supply, although i did find a couple dead ones when i was over there last week.

It started out, I was going to get about 3 chickens for eggs. Then, while researching about chickens and finding out about the different types, I discovered that eggs comes in colors other than brown and white. Well, I had to have the "fancy" eggs, so I was going to get an Easter Egger, an Ameraucana, and a Black Copper Marans. Then I started seeing how different all the types of birds look from one another, and that there were rare heritage breeds, and decided there were some types I just had to have for their appearance. Added white crested black polish, a dominique, a mille fleur d'uccle, a campine, and a blue laced red wyandotte to the list. Just like that, I ended up with eight varieties, quite a bit more than the three I had originally planned on!
We needed the eggs. Two growing boys 2 to 4 eggs each at breakfast and myself (3 to 4 eggs) every day. That all adds up pretty quick. Plus raising chickens is really cool. Especially in So Cal where NO ONE knows anything about chickens. All our friends are amused and now wanting our eggs. No Way, I Say! But I am showing them how to raise their own.

5 Red Sex Links, 4 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Rocks (21 weeks old and laying) and 5 Brown Leghorns (11 weeks)
I had been dreaming of raising a few chickens since 2003. My now ex-husband forbade it. Well fast forward to late summer 2008. While visiting a dear friend I was admiring her chickens and ducks. I said "I wish I had a wonderful husband like you. Someday maybe I'll have a husband who will let me keep chickens." She said "You dont need a husband to give you permission, you can do what ever you want now!"

So I was empowered! I started doing endless research of breeds, care, housing, ect for chickens. I made my first order in Jan 2009 with MM hatchery beacuse I wanted Faverolles which had a limited hatch. First I was going to keep 6 chickens then 8 then 10 then 12. I ended up with 16! The wait was horrible! Finally May 27th arrived with my order of babies! It was the begining of my love for chickens!! I still look at my flock and I am nearly moved to tears every day with joy.
I have gone chicken crazy and I am loving it! I currently have 20 chickens and I want more but I need to add on in order to do that.

I cannot imaging living without a flock. It's my passion and my therapy
I told my fiance how I always wanted just "one peep" when I was younger to raise. For my birthday this past year, he surprised me with 6 ducklings, and 12 baby chicks. We then saw different breeds in another TSC, and he grabbed some more... We then wanted some pullets so we knew we'd get eggs, and got some more. We then split the flock 50/50 with his aunt, as she also wanted some. She took all the meaties, and some of the layers.

My fiance then went to Cackle...and ordered a shipment of chicks. That brought us up to somewhere around 40 chickens for us, and another 15ish for his aunt. I really only wanted ONE chick! but I love the little guys, and they are so fun and interesting to watch. I don't regret getting them, and am thinking about going for the "cackle surprise" next spring! We are lucky enough that we have 70ish acres, and a nice sized barn, where the chickens will be getting their own 60'x 30' coop.

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