Why did you start raising chicken?

You know, I don't really know. It seems like I've always just wanted chickens. Kind of strange as I grew up in the city and had nothing to do with them ever. Finally got 5 acres and taught a course on the rapid extinction of domesticated animals. We loose approximately one breed a MONTH. I wanted to do what I could and joined BYC, started reading about heritage birds and the ALBC, decided to work on the Dorkings. Since I had never raised chickens I wanted to start with some that were somewhat less endangered and we got our first mixed breed flock this spring. I love them, I really do. They are so much fun to have around. And I do love all their little personalities. I have more pictures of my chickens than my kids at work. My kids are cute, but they are past the fluffy butt stage!
I was going to have pheasants this spring and then decide if I liked raising birds. Pheasants fell through but I had done all the work on the coop and thus started researching- DH found someone who would sell us pullets and so we agreed on 12- They were not the chicks I had envisioned nor the breed as such within a week of ordering chicks on-line. I wanted to show the kids a life cycle, get eggs and eat home grown chicken. We just got our first eggs this week, I helped butcher two of my extra roosters this month and the kids and I are learning tons!

We have taken two to the county fair, Rachael my oldest child did three 4-H projects on them. The boys got to "help" show at the fair as well. After spending the entire summer saying no to my DH about ducks I ordered them for his birthday and as such we are learning even more. My dream was that they would be as easy as the chickens have been (WRONG) that they wouldn't stink- because the chickens really haven't (WRONG AGAIN) and that we would like duck eggs or duck meat- we will see. For all the work they are sweet and again we are learning a LOT about poultry in general. Hopefully when someone asks me in the spring I will still be enjoying both my chickens and the ducks
I think it all started when I was 5 years old. My parents rented an old farm house in Maryland and our landlord had cows. I spent a lot of time playing on one of the barns nearby. There was a day I remember in particular, that I found several tiny barn owls on the floor of the barn. They had fallen out of the nest and were so beautiful. I was afraid to touch them, and I went to get my dad to see the baby owls. Ever since then I have loved animals!My Dh and I bought a 43 acre farm 20 years ago, and I have had plenty of domestic animals here on the farm. I have had chickens for 10 years, I adore them. My dogs love our chickens too. I rehab cottontails when I am called on. There is nothing like being a BunnyMomma!
Except maybe being a ChickenMama!

My kids are grown now, and I love being able to share the farm experience with their children. I see the sparkle in their eyes.
Another Chicken Lover is born!

Visit my home page to see some of my babies.
from NC
Matt, I absolutely love Bradshaw Feed & Supply, on Bradshaw Road at Florin Road. I've also been to the one in Auburn, Echo Valley Feed I think it's called, and they're okay but not as good (IMNSHO) as Bradshaw Feed. Helpful employees, chicks in good health and labeled well, they "saved" two Welsummer chicks for me when they don't normally hold onto any for anybody (but I had been asking about Welsummers for nearly a year) AND they re-opened the gate for me as they were closing it when I arrived late to pick them up.

Good supplies, good information and no B.S., and we perused a copy of Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry one afternoon when I had a question nobody could answer.

I don't care for Western Feed, and the closest feed store to my home and work locations is Wild West Feed & Supply, which I use when I have run out of feed before the weekend. Oh, and for live mealworms.... The only thing that's not great about Bradshaw Feed is that I cannot get there after work on weekdays; I can only get there on weekends.

Bradshaw Feed employees appear to know me by sight (not surprising, probably) and they are very patient with me. If I want a particular chick in a bin of 'em, they'll catch exactly that one for me. Without any eye-rolling.
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x2 to Linda. Matt, that Barred Rock chick I gave you was a Bradshaw feed store chick
only got one cockerel out of 4, and all 4 lived happy and healthy. I am never dissapointed at Bradshaw

I got my first 4 chicks from Bradshaw Feed, and have been hooked ever since! I really don't like eggs except for baking and cooking, but I don't eat eggs cooked by themselves. Chickens are my therapy so I don't have to pay 80-200 bucks a session LOL! Cheap entertainment, cheap therapy, and free bug control. Works for me!
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Hang on to that Fiance!! It is so nice that not only did he fill your birthday wish...he went over and beyond your expectations!! not many will do that.. especially with pets.

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