Why do chickens pant?

'Cause they don't sweat.

Creatures need someway of cooling off, either sweating, rolling in mud, panting, etc. Everything finds someway to maintain their temperature.

Them panting in a stressful situation, probably isn't 'directly' linked to the stress. If they are stressing their body temperatures would rise, so they are directly responding to their body temperature and indirectly to the stress.

You know, I never posted anything on it but now that you mention it, mine pant ALWAYS - and ALL of them do it - when they're in "egg laying mode" - i.e., as they're sitting on the nest box, close to point of lay. And, they'll continue panting after leaving the nest box for probably another 5-10 mins. All seasons, too. I figured it was just a thing they do when they lay!
Panting removes heat by evaporating water from the lining of the respiratory tract. But, panting itself generates body heat, and it causes them to eliminate water from the body. It can induce respiratory alkalosis, Which is the opposite of acidosis. Alkalosis occurs because the bird "blows off" excessive carbon dioxide when it pants. As a result, body fluids become more alkaline, causing the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of several electrolytes. And these need replacing
This is my Sweetie, she pants when it gets warm out, as you can see she is there. It doesn't have to be that hot for her to pant either. Often the black ones aren't and this one is. Should I give her electrolytes? What type and how? We do have a shallow pan of water she stands in frequently
this happens to be a tote top, what ever works I say. I never thought about giving them something in the heat...
Well, I would pant too if I were laying an egg!
And the poor things have to do it daily
She looks alittle pudgy
my hens all pant when it get above 75 or 80 here also when they lay eggs they pant. my hens are all really fat to I guess she should be fine.


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