Why do ducks set Bumblefoot?

Idk what the answer is but i spend a few hours a day treating it, which i can't do forever. Here are some other links, most of these have progressed pretty far. When one group of duck is getting better others start getting it. I have tried different run substrate and all day long they are on grass.



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So, I know about the various bumblefoot treatment and antibiotics. What I am curious about is why do ducks keep getting bumblefoot?

My Pekin had it first, took him to the vet and had him on antibiotics. Then 2 months later, he got it again. Another vet visit and antibiotics.

2 months pass by and now all my ducks have it! 2 with very mild, antibiotics will only be needed. One duck is a little more developed (2 small black dots in swollen bump), and the last one has more severe (2 bigger black dots).

I clean their coop twice a day, they have standing kitchen mats, rubber mats, child water proof mats on the flooring and a pond inside their coop.

We did everything we could to give them soft ground and opportunity to swim alot.

When I clean their coop, I do let them outside to roam about and forage. Is this when they may be hurting their feet?

Just frustrated that nothing seems to prevent it! Luckily o have pet insurance for them.

How often do other people encounter bumblefoot with their ducks?

Pictures of the coop.

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How are your ducks doing? You have an awesome set up for them and looks like you're doing everything you can to protect their feet. I hope you're having some success now.
What’s frustrating to me is how difficult it is to treat bumblefoot. It’s such a long process, for me, it’s several visits to the vet and lots of medicine, and often surgery required. And for the poor duck, weeks of have to stay inside, which is torture for them.

If I could put shoes on their feet permanently I would.
Sadly, I am still dealing with bumblefoot. If not one gets, then all. But my Cayuga keeps getting it! Or the vet removes and treats it and it returns. She is on her second surgery.

I have now gated the grass near the coop to keep them from ever wondering on harder surface or bushes when allowed to forage outside the coop. hopefully, after they al heal 100% this will prevent them from scratching their poor feet. They are obsessed with the bushes!
I'm so sorry you're still dealing with it! I feel for you as I have had ducks that I've worked on for over two months. At one time last Spring I was soaking three ducks, and feeling so discouraged. I don't know why their feet have to be so tricky!

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