Why do I beat myself up about butchering a few cockerels.

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But at least I can take that life swiftly and prevent needless suffering.
Again, no matter your stance on killing and eating animals, that is your personal choice. Nothing you write in this thread is going to sway others to change theirs.

You can prevent needless suffering by NOT killing them. And again, when there is a victim involved, it is NO LONGER a personal choice. In order for your morality to be consistent, it would need to be applied to other living beings. If someone wanted to kill a cat or a dog in order to consume their body, would "swiftly" killing them justify that action? How is a chicken any different?

And I disagree... people change their minds and open their hearts about this kind of thing all the time. I was one of those people, and I have since inspired those around me to examine how their actions impact other living beings. My goal is not to change your mind. It is to offer insight to those who are Ready to make a change, like the gentleman who was conflicted about his actions aligning with his values. People can disagree, they can be bullies about it, but I will never stop speaking up for the victims.
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o
I'ts OK, your not weird, you did what you thought you should do. we have 2 chickens for egg laying and are like Pets and we bought 11 cornish rock for meat. we will take them to a family we know that will butcher them for us. because we hate the chemical filled chickens you buy in the stores.
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