why do I cringe when they say "orfington"?


11 Years
Aug 16, 2008
Brooksville, Fl
Everytime my friend speaks of her birds, she tells me about her Orfingtons!
I tell her how I have one Buff OrPington and one Buff OrPington cross. I don't know why it bugs me so?
I don't know but it drives me nuts when people say Orpington and D'uccle incorrectly. If Orpington had an H in it I don't think it would bother me as bad.
My husband says memorized every time he means mesmerized and my father say crystal like this >> CHRIS CHALL
My husbands aunt says she has oringtons.... i want to shake her sometimes lol... I tell her about our orpingtons and emphasize the P but she never gets it.... I honestly believe she really thinks they are called oringtons and thats why she wont change how she says it and she gives me a funny look everytime i put a P in it... I also hate how people pronounce D' Uccle!!! AHHHH! Its dew-clay (right?!?!, please correct me if im wrong..)!!!! Not de-ukle or de-uncle!!!!

Edited because I guess I cant spell either....
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Well, if you're going by the actual French pronunciation, D'Uccle would be Dew-kluh, but Americanized, I say Dew-Clay. Some names really depend on how the originator wants to pronounce it.

I have a friend who bought a Blue Orpington pullet from me about 2 years ago. She said the girl was just like a big oaf, lumbering along, and her husband jokingly called her an "Oafington", LOL. Sorta fits, really.

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