Why do most people marry?

I have a couple years before I have to get married. I can only hope future hubby likes chickens and thoroughbreds.

Yes, I said HAVE to get married. Mom's doing the whole "arranged marrige" thing.

that's interesting... what do you think about that?
I do know a number of couples who were arranged marriages... a couple of them have amazing marriages, a couple... not so much, and one couple divorced.
interested in your thoughts and observations on the process and how it works out.
I always knew I wanted to get married and have kids. I spent my teenage years trying desperately to mold one relationship after the other into a situation where marriage would work.

When I finally found my DH, I stopped caring about marriage plans - we trusted each other enough to feel comfortable that the other one wasn't going anywhere. We eventually got married in a court so I could get him on my health insurance (there's an honest reason for ya!), and we did it after I had worked all night and was still wearing my scrubs.

Then we had a medieval hand-fasting wedding, because it was fun and seemed a lot more sincere to us than most church weddings we had been to. I told my DH, if some priest tries to tell me on my wedding day that "It is the husband's job to love the wife, and the wife's job to obey the husband," I will kick him in the teeth.

After we had the big medieval wedding I changed my last name, so our future kids won't be confused, and now we are working on our first one. This year will make 10 years together, and although it seemed a little backwards to some of our family, it was right for us!
LOL, Aeropennchick, medical insurance is the same reason my husband and I married when we did. We were neither overly concerned with having a piece of paper saying we were in love. However, I was pregnant and the day I moved in with him, I broke my hand (stuck it in a ceiling fan!). His proposal was "You are starting to get really expensive. What are you doing Saturday?" My reply "getting married?". And we did. 11 years ago Dec. 12. And yes, that means my 12th anniversary will be 12/12/12.
I have a couple years before I have to get married. I can only hope future hubby likes chickens and thoroughbreds. :p
Yes, I said HAVE to get married. Mom's doing the whole "arranged marrige" thing. :/

Oh boy,.. is that even legal anymore??
I have a couple years before I have to get married. I can only hope future hubby likes chickens and thoroughbreds.

Yes, I said HAVE to get married. Mom's doing the whole "arranged marrige" thing.

Like, seriously arranged? Or the kind my mom does, where she comes home the feed store, says "I found your future husband!" and I say "Oh, that's nice." ????
Oh boy,.. is that even legal anymore??

Oh, arrange marriages happen all the time! I know quite a few people my age, of Asian and Indian decent, in their mid 20's, who have had their marriages set up. They are all happy with it as far as I can tell and none of them were forced. The parents just decided if their kids would be a good match, and let the kids see if they liked each other at all or could make it work. If not, next match-up.
Had a few Indian friends that are happily married, rarely I heard divorces among them unless the husband took up the bottle.

Arranged marriages are not that bad. Would I encourage it? No.

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