Why do my ducks hate me??

I consider my own ducks very friendly, but they don't like to be touched or held. They are ducks, not lap cats.

Some ducks, probably human imprinted, like to be touched, petted, snuggled, and held. They are the exception. They are cute and get a lot of attention, often making people think that's normal. But your ducks might never be like those ducks. My ducks don't even touch each other unless they are mating or cold.

You can still have a great relationship with your ducks, though. First, I recommend that you stop doing anything that they think is scary. Don't pick them up (unless they are unwell and you have to for their own good.) Don't try to pet them. Walk slowly around them. Don't make eye contact with them, because that's what a predator does before attacking. Don't walk directly at them, but in semi-circles around them. If anything else scares them stop doing it.

Next, make every interaction with them positive. If they see you something delicious should happen. I threw my ducks a few mealworms everytime I passed them.

Finally spend a lot of time hanging out with them being quiet. Sit near them and read a book, knit, play on your phone while wearing earbuds so it is silent. And throw or hand feed them treats every 15 minutes or so. I even took a blanket and napped with my ducks.

I adopted adult ducks who were terrified of humans. Using the above I tamed them into friendly pets who followed me around in a line, came when called, ate from my hand, and even jumped in my lap after a few months. I appreciate them for who they are, ducks!

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