Why do roosters crow?

My mom has been taking the rooster to the nursing home to visit. We hand raised him from a week old, so he is super relaxed. She just carries him in and he sits in her arms the whole time while people give him snacks
All the residents tell her that they want to hear him crow. Last week she told me that he crowed three times in a row during his visit
I guess that means he is getting comfortable there!
Roosters crow for many differents reasons. The main ones are they crow for territorial reasons and to inform about incoming predators or intruders.
My does not crow until 7-8months old. He is much bigger than the hens and affraid the hens as well. But after he start crowing, it begin to take over the block. Just give it time.
i have 3 roosters. all rir about 6 months old. so far, i have only ever heard one try to crow...he never has since. None of my boys crow including in the mornings when they are suppost to. I think i have 3 pansy broken roos
...other than that can't complain, they are big babies that love me and are spoiled
Our "pullet" "Brenda", started at 4 1/2 months. Noticed his comb and waddle increased in size at that time as well as him starting to mount the hens and his leadership skills developed.
I live in a place where you can't have roosters only because they crow. Is there any way to stop them from crowing?

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