Why Do They Kill Birds?


8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
My chickens are killing wild birds.

I have a freeloading barn cat that I thought had started killing birds. I keep finding them in the yard. I haven't seen her run/move in quite some time so I didn't think it was her, but didn't have anyone else to blame. Today I saw it with my own eyes.


A bird landed in our yard and my girls attacked! One let out battle cluck and one ran over direct and grabbed a wing. The other pullets came running and pecked it. I shooed them off of it but the bird was dead. Gross.

I just put Sevin dust on my girls and added apple cider vinegar to the water. I have some Pyrantel and some Safeguard dewormer. I'll be reading up on dosage for them and doing that as well.
I'm assuming they view these birds as a threat. I was shocked to see my oldest EE take off after a robin. My heart sank, but luckily the robin was fast and flew away.
Wow! I wish mine were a little more protective like that (maybe...). My yard and coop is filled to the brim with grackles and doves and squirells sharing the feed. Interested to hear if others have killer chickens too.
My duck used to kill birds. Maybe I'm the only one with violent serial killing pets.

No you're not the only one who has violent, serial killer birds.
My birds have killed sparrows, grackels, doves, pidgeons, lizards, snakes, mice, and kangaroo rats. They don't eat the birds but they do eat everything else. The only birds they don't bother are the quail. Maybe they think they are just fat little chickens. If they could figure out how to open the run they'd probably do me in too. Did you see the thread with the naked chicken? They're all just little fluffy velociraptors.
I've never seen my chickens actually catch a bird to kill it, but I have a feeling they'd be all over it if they could. Now my big tom (mixed breed turkey) will kill any bird he can get his beak on. And I mean ANY bird, and that's all I'm gonna say about that
My girls chase all birds, including crows, out of the yard. One came really close to catching a bluejay. I wish they'd start chasing/eating the squirrels. Our male cat goes out on a leash and they will follow him at a distance; if he walks toward them, they all go in different directions. I don't know if they've chased any neighborhood cats out of the yard or not.
I told my husband I hope I never fall asleep outside, he'll just find a pile of bones when he gets home from work.
Yikes, this is disturbing to read. My birds have never harmed anything except worms! They coexist peacefully with wild birds, squirrels etc and sometimes just chase squirrels a little bit for fun, with no intent of harm. I know this because after the wee bit of chase, both squirrel and birds will stop running and just hang out together.... They also have no interest in mice.

I would not be happy if they were attacking and killing other beings


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