why do they molt in the winter?

I hatched eggs last year just after thanksgiving, and the 6 that I have left from that hatch have been molting for over a month, and egg production has been 0 for the last week. When will this stop. I put a white light on a timer in the coop hoping it would help, but so far I don't see any change.
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Molting can last for a couple of months to 6 months. Depends on many factors. Be patient and they will lay when they are good and ready. :)
They aren't egg machines. They're animals that happen to lay eggs.
I'll bet, if you feed and care for them properly, they'll lay like gangbusters come spring.
That's what chickens do.
I am new to chickens. My  chickens are about 9 months old, and I wasnt expecting molting in my first year. But my EE has stopped laying and her head and cheek feathers are thin. she seems a little thin as well, but otherwise ok. I have switched them to a higher protein feed. So sad, because she is my only blue egg layer. My egg basket is looking so brown. :(  I may have a couple other molters, but nothing visible. But the egg count is WAAY down, (I knew that was to be expected in the winter, but have opted for no white light)

My question is.. why would chickens molt when they most need their feathers?

Chickens closer to wild-type like my games start their molt earlier and finish it earlier as well. Breeds selected for egg production have delayed start to more compressed molt where feather replacement takes less time start to finish. The latter system allows for an extended season of egg laying. The former gets birds back into feather before stress from low temperatures become a major issue. The latter system can be real problem for birds that are exposed and have inadequate access to quality food when weather gets cold.
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I went out to my coop today & much to my surprise, there were feathers everywhere!! My girls are only 9 months old so I was a little shocked that 1 of my BRs is molting...and in the winter!!
It can get pretty darn cold here so should I be worried about her getting too cold? I read on this thread to switch her feed to one with higher protein. How can I do that when all 6 of my girls eat from the same feeder? I still have some laying. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I went out to my coop today & much to my surprise, there were feathers everywhere!! My girls are only 9 months old so I was a little shocked that 1 of my BRs is molting...and in the winter!!
It can get pretty darn cold here so should I be worried about her getting too cold? I read on this thread to switch her feed to one with higher protein. How can I do that when all 6 of my girls eat from the same feeder? I still have some laying. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

You could just give some high-protein treats to the Barred Rock that is molting. Maybe meal worms, meat scraps, or other treats.
Simply mix in a little chick starter / grower into trough to increase protein by a couple percentage points all should be well. If concerned about diluting calcium the provide oystershell free-choice.
I have 6 hens purchased last May. Two are RIR, 2 Austrolorps and two Americanas. They began laying early winter and have been laying pretty regularly ever since. About 6 weeks ago, one of the RIR started molting and now all six are in different stages of molt. They are still all laying regularly and seem normal and happy. They get to free range nearly every day and I provide greens for them every day also in addition to their grain and scratch and chick block. Every day they look more pitiful. My brother, who has a much larger flock said there is something wrong as they should not have started molting in winter, especially since NJ has had such a cold winter. I even bought food for them that is supposed to help with the feather production. Today I noticed two of them have some blood above their tails on the bare spots, so now it appears they are pecking each other. I am concerned and not sure what to do to help them. Anyone have any suggestions? BTW, as questioned by my brother, the run is very large and their house is more than adequate for 6 hens. THAK YOU!!!!
I have 6 hens purchased last May. Two are RIR, 2 Austrolorps and two Americanas.  They began laying early winter and have been laying pretty regularly ever since.  About 6 weeks ago, one of the RIR started molting and now all six are in different stages of molt.  They are still all laying regularly and seem normal and happy.  They get to free range nearly every day and I provide greens for them every day also in addition to their grain and scratch and chick block.  Every day they look more pitiful.  My brother, who has a much larger flock said there is something wrong as they should not have started molting in winter, especially since NJ has had such a cold winter.  I even bought food for them that is supposed to help with the feather production.  Today I noticed two of them have some blood above their tails on the bare spots, so now it appears they are pecking each other.  I am concerned and not sure what to do to help them.  Anyone have any suggestions?  BTW, as questioned by my brother, the run is very large and their house is more than adequate for 6 hens.  THAK YOU!!!!

They should not be molting yet. Increase protein feed by mixing in a little chick grower.
Hi All...I have (I think)...given my girls every bit of protein I could manage since I began to think they were molting (mid summer)...meaning, meal worms, BOSS, cooked eggs, yogurt, milk, high protein feed (and also wormed them)...I'm about broke on this...now, they finally began losing feathers in ernest in November (seriously) and my one, barred rock is so thin and sickly that I think she may not make it through the night! She is sprouting feathers but wavers when she walks today (maybe heat loss in our recent windy cold?) and I picked her up cause she looked so thin...breast bone sticking out....but she is eating like the others when I observe. Any thoughts or comments??? This chicken/egg thing is such a "project"...anyone that says having chickens is easy is crazy!!!

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