Why do they pace back and fourth?


8 Years
Feb 26, 2011
When I went out to check on them they were pacing back and fourth against the fence, why are they doing this?
C&Rman :

When I went out to check on them they were pacing back and fourth against the fence, why are they doing this?

Mine do that too! They fly out of the 6 foot pen to patrol for bugs, then spend hours (seems like) pacing back and forth to get back in before they remember "hey, I flew out, I'll just fly back end as soon as somebody else does it first"

The other answer I had to "why are they doing this?" was most unflattering to their intelligence.​
C&Rman :

When I went out to check on them they were pacing back and fourth against the fence, why are they doing this?

They are trying to find a way out, it might take them a while to realize there is no way out.​
Sometimes I think they pace if they see birds in another pen or free-range they want to go hang out with. Also peahens about to lay will pace back and forth and sometimes cluck while they pace.
I have a rooster and a guinea bird that teese them, and they hen does walk back and fourth with her neck feathers up and she honks, but the male hasn't displayed for her once and she is just a yearling.
It will take your peacock a little while before he displays since he is new. They have to settle in a bit before they start to display.

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