Why does everything break when you are broke???

I have WHAT in my yard?

11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Eggberg, PA
Has anyone else noticed this?? When you are broke and decide to hold out a bit everything breaks down. The air in both of our cars and the house is out. The brake warning light on my car is going on and now the radio has suddenly just quit!

I am afraid it got wet the other day. We had a sudden hard downpour. By the time I got back to the house, I was as far away as you could get and still be on my land, I was drenched and so was the car. I drove it into the garage as soon as I could, but the windows had all been open - remember the air doesn't work? I had parked it and left the windows open.

I keep reminding myself that air and radios are not necessary and this too shall pass.
You're right! My parents week before last had a AC unit go out on the house, and THE DAY it was fixed....the car caught fire and burned up in the garage!!! This too shall pass!!!!!!!! God Bless!! Hang in there...we're unemployed too....and I'm just waiting...
Murphy's Law....He who has splort in their life needs more!

I'm always on the receiving end of the god of splort. It's just something you get used to!
Big hugs to you. My air has been off all summer and the heat was out most of the winter too, DH says it is too expensive to fix.................when it rains.....it pours.............my granny would say.
You are not alone in this.... When it rains it pours. It will pass. last week I decided to splurge and buy the kids a trampoline and that night my washer broke and flooded my laundry room now I had to buy a new one that will not come untill Friday. And my air conditioner in my hose is down so need to get a new unit. uughh
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Same here. But what seems to bug me the most, is when I actually begin to be able to save up a little money for something. Never fails, something breaks and takes all of it plus some. I try to see the silver lining by thinking, well, atleast I had the money to fix it. But the lining always looks more like a fuzzy gray to me than silver.

Edited to fix spelling..
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I just looked up that 'S' word in the urban dictionary.....do YOU know what that means?!?! And ya just toss it around like that?!?! Really?!?!?!
I know what you mean! The AC in my car went out and no wmy fuel injectors are clogged and the car doesnt always start when its hott out. My dad called me with an emergency the other night and I tried calling him back to find out the mic on my cell phone is dead!

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