Why does fertility drop when it gets cold?


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
I have read that eggs are not fertile (or hardly anyway) in the colder months.

I am wondering why?

If the hens are laying (and some do) then why aren't the eggs fertile? Does cold affect the Roo's? Does it have to do with the light? Or are they fertile after all.

Any ideas or input?
I've heard others say this, but I hatch year round and have never had a problem with fertility during winter.
Really?! Do you supplement lighting or heat? And thanks for the fast reply.

That makes me happy! I love those little chicks!
It is said that a good Rooster likes the sun on his back, and this is true and cannot be reproduced by artificial light or heat lamps. it is also part of the natural swing of things, because it is difficult to rear chicks in the cold of winter, and things begin to pick up again in spring when it's best to raise chicks.


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