Why does my chicken lay brown and white eggs?

Well, it sounds like you are doing the same thing I do as far as the egg shells. I also give them the oyster shell. I have never had a soft shell, knock on wood. I have a Welsummer pullet and she isn't laying yet but I read that they lay brown speckled eggs. I don't know. Mine is 7 months and hasn't laid yet. Very frustrating.
Ok....I know for 100% certainty that my welsummer is my one laying the white eggs...so now I wonder if she was the soft she'll layer and things are starting to fix themselves... I added vitamin supliment to their water and also they have a constant supply of crushed oyster shell. I am getting 5 eggs a day from 6 girls....so one of them is a late layer...I belive it is one of the partridge rocks....so good thing is no more soft shells now just to figure out that is causing the welsummer to lay white shelled eggs!!!!
Ok....I know for 100% certainty that my welsummer is my one laying the white eggs...so now I wonder if she was the soft she'll layer and things are starting to fix themselves... I added vitamin supliment to their water and also they have a constant supply of crushed oyster shell. I am getting 5 eggs a day from 6 girls....so one of them is a late layer...I belive it is one of the partridge rocks....so good thing is no more soft shells now just to figure out that is causing the welsummer to lay white shelled eggs!!!!

Do you have a photo of the bird in question - it may be that your Welsummer is actually a Light Brown Leghorn - very commonly confused breeds....and the LBB lays a white egg as opposed to the dark brown of a Welsummer
Here is a couple shots of her.....her comb is big and floppy....and the "purple feathers on her back side is actually Blu-Kote cause the other hens are pulling her feathers, I think she is at the bottom of the pecking order

Here is a couple shots of her.....her comb is big and floppy....and the "purple feathers on her back side is actually Blu-Kote cause the other hens are pulling her feathers, I think she is at the bottom of the pecking order

That is, in fact, a Light Brown Leghorn - which explains your white eggs.

ETA - the "tells" are the white earlobes and the comb. While a Welsummer would also have the single comb, the leghorn takes that comb to the extreme with that large, floppy comb you see on your bird.
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Well!!! That explains that!!!! thank you so much!!! Ya know I wanted to have a white layer but when I bought these girls the lady said she was a welsummer and she didnt have any white layers...Bet she is baffold too!! ...I guess she was going with the colors as I did as well!!!

Thank you!
Ol Gray Mare...1 more thing to pick your brain.....Could it be possible since she just started laying that the 2 or 3 soft shelled eggs could have been hers??? I have only gotten 3 eggs (hard white shells) from her so far, and just before I got the first white egg (hard shell) that was when I found the soft shelled.... on different days....
Pc dawn 2000 I was going to say the same thing. I had 3 brown leghorns and your chicken definitely looks like them. I also have a Welsummer and she is not as sleek of a bird as the Leghorns are. They definitely do have a lot of the same coloring, I agree. Just had to put in my 2 cents. I'm getting good at recognizing chicken breeds. Probably because I've been doing a lot of shopping. ahaha
I have a old chicken that is in a coop by herself. She will lay 2 brown and 2 white eggs a week but she is 5 years old I was wondering why ??

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