Why does my day old turkey keep chirping?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Noelville, Ontario Canada
I just got my two day old turkeys this morning and they have food, water, temp to 95F like they specify, one turkey sleeping, and quiet the other is like freeking out, wanting to get out what it looks like and chirping very loudly. I hung a feather duster in the brooder for them but still not helping. Perhaps he is just too young yet? Hope someone can suggest something....
thank you.
I don't have turkeys but i would think if it has food and water, access to warmth, and not getting too hot I would check for pasty butt. Beyond that i would think it's just not settled in yet. Good Luck
I agree. The only time my chicks do that urgent chirping is if they are constipated or have pasty butt, which 2 do right now. Time to check out causes for constipation!
I have turkeys in a brooder and they carry on all day long. Like yours, their temp is fine, they have food and water, and enough room, but they are noisy.
I think it's just a turkey thing.
Mine CHiRP just to be CHiRPIN!!!
They can get loud!!! Enjoy!!!
No pasty butts, I guess like you say they are just not settled in yet, they have gotten better since this morning though... thank you all for your responses, will try teddy bear in brooder also

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