Why does my house smell like skunk?

I do have the bator running, but no stinky coming from there. I have tossed the pile of no-grows. Once upon a time, before I wised up, I used to crack the duds to see what was up. It was all in the name of science. That ended the first time I got a 'sploder. UGG. I'm pretty sure the stink burnt out all my nose hairs. It took a couple of good scrubbings before I didn't just plain reek! Taught me then and there to seal those suckers up in a ziplock or something before poking around.

The worst of the skunky has dissipated this morning, but there is something rotten in Denmark on the back porch. It's a closed in porch with windows all around and it's where the dogs stay during the day (has a snazzy doggie dog into the great backyard kingdom and everything). I'm trying to decide if they have hidden a dead mole in there somewhere or if it is just picking up random stinkiness from outside. So far no sign of dead anything. I walked the yard with them this morning. Both were acting mighty suspicious, but no one gave up the goods. I guess I'll know when I get home tonight. The eau d'dead mole has a very definitive odor when applied to grungy dog.

I'm wondering if the idiot mutts were aggravating a skunk last night and it sprayed in the general direction of the AC unit. That can get sucked in, can't it? Ugg.
This is the same cat that disappeared for 11 days. We thought she'd run away until we found her locked in an outbuilding. You'd think she'd learn about sneaking into places she doesn't belong, but noooo. Curiosity is definitely going to kill this cat one day.

Citygirl, find your stink yet?
Must have been a skunk night last night!

We pulled in the drive about10:30pm after bowling and were instantly hit with skunk smell....my innocent dog sammy

had a skunk cornered under the horse trailer...by the time I came back out to close up the chickies, he had the skunk out and was tossing it into the air. mind you , the thing was still alive, somewhat! He finally grabbed it and starte shaking it till it croaked.
I had all the windows open, thank the goddess for a fairly strong breeze.
This mornin the skunk smell is still very strong by the barn and of course sammy, he is ban from the house for a while.

didnt take a pic, but the skunk kind of resemble this:

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