Why does my laying hens not like oyster shells


Jul 5, 2018
We just bought oyster shells for are laying hens and for some reason the non laying hens growing hens want to eat the oyster shells or are more curious about them than the laying hens laying hens will have nothing to do with them we've had them for about a few days I wanted to feed them flock raiser Purina crumbles the hens right now are eating a combination of laying pellets and baby chick feed which is flock Raiser and most of the time everybody is free-ranging I would greatly appreciate any information you guys give me thank you
Have it out there where it's available all the time, and hens who need it will find it. You could spread some along the edges of the coop or run at first, and make a trail to it, so you know everyone is aware of it. Young birds will try things out, that's normal. They will then know where it is later, when they need it.
I seldom see any bird at my oyster shell feeder, but it disappears over time anyway.
Hens won’t eat it unless they know that they need it. Her body might just be getting enough right now. It is a good idea to keep it out there for when she does decide she needs some :)
Don't expect your hens to wolf down oyster shell like they were enjoying beef steak. One piece of shell ever few days is all it takes.

ALL of the calcium in eggshells come directly out of a your hens bones. Oyster shell is intended to replace the calcium withdrawn to produce eggshells. In a real way it is a "SHELL" game. Pun intended.
I wash and dry- save my egg shells, then I crush and sprinkle in the oyster shell box..... it perks their interest! My shells are hard and sometimes even have the little calcium bumps on the outside.... probably from pigging out on the crushed shells.
Mine take an age to go through oyster shell. The grit goes quicker. Mine don't free range but have a quality layer pellet, so they should be getting what they need from that. I've not had any egg shell problems apart from a couple of my older girls that soon after came to an end of laying.

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