why dont all my pullets lay a egg a day only get 50/% of them to lay


15 Years
Jul 3, 2008
i have 14 pullets all 10 months old. i know they all arent laying like they should i feed them egg maker crumble free choice. getting 7-11 eggs a day from 17 total birds. 3 older birds are laying better than half the pullets. i hear everyone else on here get there 100% daily eggs whats wrong with my birds.
Your percentage laying daily sounds fine to me. In fact, that sounds pretty good!
Cold weather
Less light
Normal breaks in laying
Type of chicken
Hens do not lay a egg a day all year, even breeds bred for laying
With spring around the corner laying should pick up but some hens will go broody too
Several things could be happening--Winter for one, they seem to need more light--some say they need 12hrs+ to perform excellent...I can tell a big difference since the days are getting longer..
The younger ones probably came in to the lay cycle after the daylight hours shortened and they are waiting for spring..
They pullets aren't mature enough to lay!!
Feeding too much corn/treats are another cause--it decreases the protein in the laying crumbles
Not enough fresh --unfrozen water
A predator might be getting them
It's Just toooooo darn cold.

Hope this helps a little.
Not every hen, of every breed, lays daily. I occasionally get 13 eggs a day (I have 13 hens), but most of the time it's about half of that a day or to put it another way, my hens lay every other day.
Umm, no, your pullets are fine. I wouldn't even want my chickens to all lay an egg a day - Then they'd be industry layers, not content birds.

Most hens, pullets especially, lay about 5 eggs a week. I currently have 20 laying age pullets, most are 10 months old and some are just shy of a year - And I only get about 13 eggs a day. I'm perfectly fine with that, plus - Quite a few of mine probably lay in secret places throughout their 3 acres of land to roam. Also, I don't have "layer breeds," mine are dual purpose and/or ornamental, so they should actually lay less than they currently do.
Awww that makes sense, your flock changed, though some will disagree chickens are social birds that have feelings, make a change and it will affect them temporarily. But I am sure it is a mixture of factors. You will make history if you can achieve 100% production, but I wouldn't count on it.
i had a light from october until middle of febuary as the days are getting longer now i did away with it. i have gl wyandottes, sex links, buff orpingtons, barred rocks, delaware. i have 1 gl wyandotte that is broody sitting on eggs right now . due to hatch around march 15th.

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