Why dont our ducks like the pond?


9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
Northern Ohio
We have 2 pekin ducks that are about 2 months old. When they were smaller we used to take them out to the koi ponds in the front yard and they loved it. Now that they have kind of outgrown the little ponds we have been taking them to our large (3/4 ac) pond instead. They don't like it thought and will never stay in the water. Is it just because the pond is too big? or because they are too young? If we take them to the koi pond they still love it and swim around but they are just too big for it. Any thoughts? Is there something we can do to encourage them to use the big pond?
Our 1st set of Rouens were 6 months old before they got in our pond. They would get in but stay right by the bank. They eventually started venturing a little farther out.
Are you sure? Snappers don't bask on logs and banks like some other turtles. Also ducks are afraid of big sized game fish like Large Mouth bass and pike. The fact that they go in the smaller pond but not the big one strongly suggests there is something they don't like or fear about the big pond.
I think it's their age. They're young yet & it probably looks big and scary. I have 2 Pekins who are a few weeks older than yours. They have a 3gl red bowl that only one can get in at a time. I have a kiddie pool that they loved but they had to go down to the Scovy yard and once mama Scovies "told them off"
they won't go into the yard or pool anymore soooo, I bought them their own pool yesterday but they have to leave their small backyard, cross the drive and it sits under a large spruce. They got in it yesterday, very excitedly, but only for a few minutes. If I leave.... so do they .. and run back into their yard. Give them time, they'll get used to it as they get older.
I'm almost positive that there are no snappers in it. We swim & fish in it regularly. There are also not any bass or pike in it. I'm hoping that it's just an age thing. If they are scared of something then they must just be chickens, no pun intended
There are wild mallards and geese on it quite a bit. Maybe as it gets warmer and they see us out on the pond more they will realize that it's a safe & fun place to be
we had a pond growing up and our pekins would go to the pond drink jump in and leave. They were NEVER big swimmers. I think it is a breed thing. Our mallards on the other hand hardly came off of the pond! I think Pekins are just a breed that is not taken to the water like some breeds.
My Pekin is in her kiddie pool all day long - more than any of my other ducks, including my Mallards.

I think their problem with your big pond, ourflockof4, is just that it's new to them. Ducks are creatures of habit, they don't like changes in their environment or schedule. In time, I'm sure they'll warm up to the idea of going to the big pond for a swim - just be patient with them. If I replace a kiddie pool in one of my duck pens, the ducks won't go near it for a week
. They don't like change.
A few days ago I began letting our 6 week old Rouens out of their pen, which we built right next to our 3/4 acre pond for the sole reasoning that they would have freedom to use it throughout the day and come in to their pen/house at night. When we first let them out they were so excited but they wouldn't go into the pond, just stayed on the bank eating & slurping. We even tried throwing Romaine a little ways out into the pond to try and entice them - nope, they would wait for it to drift to shore and then gobble it up. We have a couple geese who visit the pond daily and the ducks seem to be thinking "wow, what are they". But even though the geese are in the pond right now the ducks are still just hanging out on the shore, they are definately enjoying themselves. I agree with the replies that maybe it just seems soooooo big to them since they are used to their little pool, which they still come back into the pen to use instead. Give it time, maybe they just need to take baby steps and they'll be splashing around in no time. It is all new to them.

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