Why don't people listen... Rant

I guess folks feel better about themselves when they ask a question.....but when they don't like the answer or hear it correctly or even really understand it, but rather go on their way with their own ideas, they have a high percentage of failures......they think many times, oh well....I asked! I have a relative who constantly asked for advice and seldom if ever has followed it. I now just give a vague and "out there" answer....Makes no difference, she just wants to feel good about asking. Kudos to those of us who ask and listen....compare and analyze and then act sensibly for our animals.....We are their keepers.
I agree with you! - Remember those »Backyard Poultry is causing Salmonella Pandemics« threads in the news? I am so sure there is some lobbying behind those, because if everybody raises their own poultry in their backyards, who would go to the store and buy eggs? Just look at the information available on OpenSecrets.org about the company you've mentioned:
Who said »Freedom is not available for free.«?

I KISS my favorite hen everyday, that's some good PSA:gig
I hope I'm not going out on a limb here, but I've seen very few pre-fab coops/coop-run combos that IMHO were little more than toys. And believe me I've looked, because even though I've raised poultry all my life I am no carpenter! Even some of the ones I've seen that looked halfway decent still don't look like to me they'd house anywhere near the number of birds they claim, especially not if you had to keep the birds confined all or most of the time, as many of us do. I've read plenty on minimum space requirements but again IMHO, if you only provide the minimum you are going to have a lot more maintenance and cleaning chores.
Client wanted chickens. However, she's not there every day. Told her the basics, but she didn't listen.

Purchased a coop-run combo said to hold 15 birds, but only realistically holds 3, barely. (3×3.5). Put up poultry fencing for a larger run, then purchased 10 standard chicken and 4 Ginny's.

Seeing she wasn't going to be around all the time, she purchased 2 mini Australian Shepherds to protect her flock... I voiced my opinion, which she didn't like.

Pups are outside only. Live in the barn or garage. Very little human interaction. Guess what? Pups got a little older, and bored, and decide to do what bored puppies do. Chase what's available. Chickens. Two missing chicken's and ginny's. Feathers all over the place.

Now she's wondering why, and what to do about it. Why don't people do their homework before they commit.

Sorry for the rant. Highly frustrated.
Some people are born not to have animals & she is one of them sad for the dogs sadder for the chickens
Fortunately, she is now listening, researching, and making the needed changes.

Thing that gets me, in this day and age where info is easy and accessable, why don't people research and educate themselves before jumping in feet first?
Well, before you know it she will have no chickens because the dogs probably had so much fun with the first two that they’re not gonna quit until they’re all gone. Then if she does not keep her dogs contained, they will just go to the neighboring farm to look for more fun!
Some people should never own animals , just as some people should never have children!
Problem is, you can't stop their stupidity....
LOL! My wife and i often say (usually after observing some really bad behaving parents): "You must pass a test and obtain a license to drive a vehicle, but every dummy is allowed to make kids…" - or buy animals, we should continue the sentence.

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