Why has my dog just started snoring at night


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
Hi every one. I have a chihuahua that has gingivitis that he is gonna get treated, I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but he has just started snoring. He has really never snored be for at night and know he snores a lot. And I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. Thanks everyone.
P.S I forgot to say that he is 5 years old
As dogs get older they put on weight sometimes that can cause snoring. Chihuahua are also prone to a collapsing trachea. Getting it's teeth clean is the most important thing you can get done. Bad teeth can shorten a dogs life through heart and kidney problems, and it can be incredibly painful. I would mention the snoring when you take it in for the teeth, so hopefully they examine the throat when he's under.

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