Why hasn't anyone written a Cornish X page? Forget it. I'll will!!!

Because it isn't a breed.

A breed is a group of domestic animals with a homogeneous appearance, behavior, and other characteristics that distinguish it from other animals of the same species. When bred together, animals of the same breed pass on these uniform traits to their offspring, and this ability—known as "breeding true"—is a definitive requirement for a breed. The offspring produced as a result of breeding animals of one breed with other animals of another breed are known as crossbreeds or mixed breeds. Plant breeds are more commonly known as varieties, or cultivars, and crosses between plant cultivars (or species) are referred to as hybrids.[1]. Breeds are usually not classified scientifically; however, they very well so can be if necessary; furthermore, breeds are usually classified according to similar characteristics.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breed
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The Cornish X was meant to be and is a terminal cross meant to be eaten. They are produced by the millions and are very uniform in all market demand aspects. There can be a case for breed status for the male and female parent lines if the owners should choose to do so, as they have been breeding true to type for over 50+ years. But they would be cutting their own economic throats.
Ya I don't see why not to add them they are probably the most popular non-breed of chickens. Billions are raised each year.... so I think they may be the most used breed in the world... I guess making them the most popular.
OK, so I think we can all agree that while nobody really knows what to call a Cornish X, they exist, are raised by more people than any other breed (or ??), and are raised in numbers that are hard to fathom, that a write up is needed.

If for no other reason than to teach newbies about how to raise them.

If no one wants to tackle the write-up, just email me your info and thoughts and I will compile a page. We'll need pictures too! Let's just keep this page to discussing the Cornish X's that you order as day old chicks. No talk of breeding your own or how the commercial chicken industry raises them in cruel conditions. Let's just share our positive, truthful experiences with this Breed (??) just like all the other pages.
One thing we do know is that they are not a breed. I would call them a "hybrid" or a "crossbreed". Like it or not, there will be reasonable objection if they are referred to as a "breed".
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Whatever you guys say. I'm willing to go along with the general consensus.

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