Why have a rooster?

Our rooster is named Zeus and he is wonderful. We culled two other roosters who crowed incessantly and attacked the hens. My daughters dubbed them 'the rapists' and were also happy to see them go.

Other than the good morning crows, Zeus only crows when a hen has gone into the coop to lay and he wants to let her know where the flock has moved to. He is an amazing protector for his free-ranging flock. He has ten hens, and will have about fifteen in the spring. In October, we actually watched through the window as he fought off a swooping hawk. It was amazing. He flapped his wings and put his talons out and beat the hawk off! When he makes a certain sound, the hens all run for cover. He will herd any recalcitrant hens to where he wants them to go by doing a little foot stomping and dropping his wing at them. The girls don't come out until he gives the 'all clear' sound. When he finds something yummy, he calls them over and watches while they eat it. We have to make sure he gets his treats too. Lastly, he keeps peace among the hens. They don't have to worry about being top hen, because he keeps them all in line. He is even pretty gentle when covering them...a real don Juan.

I've read a lot of posts about obnoxious roosters, but then several people said when you get a good rooster, he can be awesome. I totally agree. Zeus is one of our favorite birds and our whole family loves him, well, except the chihauhau. It is so fun to watch him do his job and from what the hens say, he is real eye candy too.
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If you are just getting started, go with the bought chicks, and get a little experience under your belt. I like the idea of different breeds each year, and if you make sure that one year is brown eggs, and one year is white eggs, and one year is green eggs, well, you will know who is laying the best! I did hens for several years, before I got my first rooster.

Look at hendrickson's chart for a broody breed, and if you get lucky, you can trick her into raising the chicks in the flock, which makes for healthier chicks, and no integration problems.

Looks like I am getting a peach of a roo this time..... but I have had so-so roo's, a terrible mean roo, and Captain who was an outstanding rooster. It is a crap shoot. A rooster needs to be nearly a year old, before you can be sure what he is going to be like, and at that time, will really start to have great flock management techniques and predator protection. Mine is just past 6 months, and he is starting to call the ladies over, making different sounds for different treats. I had a broody hen raise him, and so far he is pretty nice, but it is still early in his development. He is a delaware, and the heritage breeds develop slower than the hybrid crosses.... I am still waiting on eggs from his sisters.

Mrs K
So fun watching Mr. Dover develop, 6 weeks ago, he was charging to the feed bowl to get his share, but now he is calling his ladies, and stepping back, they adore him, 6 weeks ago, I saw a little bitty leghorn hen, in full molt explain to him how things were going to be..... now the molt is over, and she coo's to him.

Let them out for a little while, as I was adding hay to the coup/run, he kept them close, and seemed to be aware of things
When I went down later, he peaked his head out first of the coup to see what was going around. He seems to be turning out pretty fine. Last week the grandchildren were here, dancing like little ones do around the outside of the run, but he did not puff up or get mean.

Heres to hoping he's a good one, cause it is fun to have a good roo!
I have an unexpected rooster in my backyard flock. I ordered only pullets and hit the "sexing is 90% accurate" lottery.

I've always had an absurd desire to own the world's most useless animal (under my chicken-keeping circumstances), -- a crowing rooster. So as long as my neighbors don't complain (the closest ones have kids who love seeing the chickens), I'll keep him.

If I get to move to the country as I hope I will NEED my rooster because I'll want to be raising my own chicks.
we started with chickens about a year ago. we just got 6 hens to begin with then we had a couple hens get attacked while out free ranging so we got a rooster a few months ago. the rooster we got is about a year old and he is doing a great job. one day i was out in yard he warned his ladies of danger i looked it was a hawk the ones near the coop went in coop and the others went under shelter with tractor and stuff. we see him all time keeping his hens together. he is a great rooster and hope if i get another one he will be just as good.
Well if I get the land I want it sounds like I will be needing a rooster?

Hopefully the old bags I have know (only 6 months old :) can deal with a young buck telling them what to do? lol

I only have 7 now but the coop I plan on building can support up to 40 I think. Maybe I should build bigger? :)
You don't lol
I have large hens who free range just fine, they don't like the roosters that are here.. some banties that are from SR of silkies.. can't say i blame them.. they are cute but annoying!

Some argue, flock protection.. i am mixed on this, i think some roos are good for this but not all, so you have to wait to see if that roo will be... there is the re-populate your own flock which is a benefit but i also know from having ducks that can be both a plus and a negative. Food? some will use extra roos for the pot but that is up to you, not a necessary.

Our roos are pets and penned, and only here because of the SR ... otherwise? nope, i choose not to own any and will not be changing that anytime soon.
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Nice I like that. lol

Only thing is the closest neighbor will be about .4 of a mile the next one is .5 of a mile and the third one is .7 of a mile and next houses are 1.5 miles away.

So the little bugger would be waking me up.
and roosters crow at anytime.. the dawn thing is just that a thing, kinda like if your a woman and experience morning sickness while pregnant, you'll know it is not dedicate to mornings lol
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I'd just wait and see if you really want one. Sounds like you don't, so why start with one and worry about getting rid of it later? If you do want one later, they're free for the asking pretty much anywhere.

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